9:00 AM
Jet Observables and Techniques
Kolja Kouder
9:10 AM
QCD phenomenology : from IceCube to LHC and beyond
Alba Soto Ontoso
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9:20 AM
Quark and gluon contributions to the proton mass and spin
Abha Rajan
9:30 AM
Studying Nucleon Structure through Inclusive Electron Scattering
Barak Schmookler
9:40 AM
A journey from the LHC to an EIC with a short stop at RHIC and HERA
Zhoudunming (Kong) Tu
9:50 AM
Exclusive diffractive processes in high energy eA collisions
Renaud Boussarie
10:00 AM
Studying the phases and structure of QCD matter: From RHIC to EIC
James Daniel Brandenberg
10:10 AM
Collectivity in small systems, from LHC to EIC
Zhenyu Chen
11:10 AM
Inside of the nucleon: zooming in and out
Sanghwa Park
(Stony Brook University)
11:20 AM
Nuclear structure studies with Pelletron, CEBAF, and EIC
Chandan Ghosh
(Stony Brook University)
11:30 AM
Studying nucleon/nucleus structure with RHIC, CEBAF, and EIC
Jinlong Zhang
(Stony Brook University )