Jun 24 – 28, 2019
US/Eastern timezone
5th International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions

Linear and non-linear response of two-particle correlations to initial-geometry fluctuations

Jun 25, 2019, 4:08 PM
8th floor Theory Center (Pupin)

8th floor Theory Center


Poster Initial conditions for hydrodynamics & transport coefficients Posters


Dr Mauricio Hippert (Universidade de Sao Paulo)


We investigate the importance of different features of the initial geometry to anisotropic flow fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions. To that end, we explore the hydrodynamic response of differential flow harmonics $v_n(p_T)$ to generalized eccentricities $\epsilon_{n,m}$ of the initial density profile within a realistic hydrodynamic model. Special attention is paid to two-particle angular correlations, characterized in detail by the principal-component analysis (PCA). We address the relevance of non-linear response, as well as the stability of the results against the inclusion of extra eccentricities. Additionally, we study new effects from multiplicity fluctuations, which could lead to redundancies in the experimental PCA data.

Primary authors

Dr Mauricio Hippert (Universidade de Sao Paulo) Dr David Dobrigkeit Chinellato (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) Dr Matthew Luzum (Universidade de Sao Paulo) Dr Jorge Noronha (Universidade de Sao Paulo) Dr Tiago Nunes da Silva (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina) Dr Jun Takahashi (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)

Presentation materials