Johannes Heinrich Weber
(Technische Universität München)
I present a determination of the strong coupling constant and heavy quark masses in (2+1)-flavor QCD using lattice calculations of the moments of the pseudo-scalar quarkonium correlators at several values of the heavy valence quark mass with Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action.
I determine the strong coupling constant in MSbar scheme at four low energy scales corresponding to m, 1.5m, 2m and 3m , Nf =3, with m being the charm quark mass.
From these I obtain ΛMSbar = 301 ± 16 MeV, which is equivalent
to αs (μ = MZ , Nf = 5) = 0.1161(12).
I confirm this result with a recent determination of the strong coupling constant from the static energy using the same ensembles.