26–27 Apr 2019
BNL Physics Department
US/Eastern timezone

Investigation of near-conformal anomalous dimensions using gradient-flow RG

26 Apr 2019, 15:35
Large Seminar Room Lobby (BNL Physics Department)

Large Seminar Room Lobby

BNL Physics Department


Anna Hasenfratz (UColorado Boulder)


As the number of fermion degrees of freedom in a gauge theory increases, a phase
transition is known to occur to an infrared-conformal phase lacking confinement and
chiral symmetry breaking. Uncovering the nature of this transition and the properties
of the non-trivial four-dimensional CFTs occurring inside the “conformal window” is a
long-standing and active research question in lattice gauge theory, with deep connec-
tions to composite models of new physics. We propose a set of calculations to determine
the spectrum of anomalous dimensions for SU(3) gauge theory with N f = 10 fundamen-
tal fermions, using a new method we have developed based on the gradient flow that
allows a continuous Monte Carlo Renormalization Group procedure.

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