26–27 Apr 2019
BNL Physics Department
US/Eastern timezone


Software Meeting

27 Apr 2019, 14:00
Large Seminar Room (BNL Physics Department)

Large Seminar Room

BNL Physics Department


Software Meeting

  • Richard Brower (BostonU)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Carleton DeTar (University of Utah)
27/04/2019, 14:00
Peter Boyle (University of Edinburgh)
27/04/2019, 14:15
Chulwoo Jung (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
27/04/2019, 14:55
Kate Clark(remote) (NVIDIA)
27/04/2019, 15:35
Mathias Wagner(remote) (NVIDIA)
27/04/2019, 15:55
Alexei Strelchenko (Fermilab), Jim Simone (Fermilab)
27/04/2019, 16:15
James Osborn(remote) (ANL)
27/04/2019, 16:30
Meifeng Lin (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
27/04/2019, 17:15
Richard Brower(for Evan and Kate) (BostonU)
Building timetable...