5 October 2019
US/Eastern timezone

Transitioning from CS Studio/Eclipse to CS Studio/Phoebus

5 Oct 2019, 12:35


Mr Fredrik Söderberg (European Spallation Source, ERIC)Mr Georg Weiss (European Spallation Source, ERIC)


The European Spallation Source (ESS) is under construction and commissioning. OPIs created this far are mainly created in Display Builder in CS Studio/Eclipse, and users have become familiar with CS Studio and the tools provided. We intend to deploy CS Studio/Phoebus to the control room during Q4 2019, where it will replace CS Studio/Eclipse. The transition is prepared by investigating how existing OPIs work and how they currently fail in CS Studio/Phoebus. We also try to identify more general features of CS Studio/Eclipse that will not be available in CS Studio/Phoebus, or that require a different work flow. This talk summarizes rationale for the transition, and findings and conclusions that may be of interest for facilities considering CS Studio/Phoebus.

Track User Interface tools and techniques

Primary authors

Mr Fredrik Söderberg (European Spallation Source, ERIC) Mr Georg Weiss (European Spallation Source, ERIC)

Presentation materials