5 October 2019
US/Eastern timezone

Building and Packaging EPICS modules with Conda

5 Oct 2019, 15:55
Lightning Talk Lightning Session


Mr Joao Paulo Martins (ESS)


Conda is an open source package, dependency and environment management system. It runs on Windows, macOS and Linux and can package and distribute software for any language (Python, R, Ruby, C/C++...). It’s already used in the EPICS community for pvaPy for example. At ESS, we are investigating using Conda to build and package EPICS modules. The modules built are based on PSI concept of dynamically loading EPICS module resources using require. Conda makes is easy to manage dependencies and build different variants of a package. Using anaconda’s new compilers, it is possible to build portable (cross-distribution) Linux binaries. This allows developers to easily install the EPICS modules they want.

Track EPICS Building, packaging and distributing

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