7–11 Sept 2020
Center for Nuclear Femtography (SURA) and Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (SBU/BNL)
US/Eastern timezone

Valance parton distribution of pion from fine lattices

7 Sept 2020, 11:20



Mr Xiang Gao (BNL&THU)


We present a high-statistics lattice QCD determination of the valence parton distribution function (PDF) of pion, with a mass of 300 MeV, using HISQ gauge ensambles with two very fine lattice spacings of a = 0.06 fm and 0.04 fm. Our analysis use both RI-MOM and ratio-based schemes to renormalize the equal-time bi-local quark-bilinear matrix elements of pions boosted up to 2.4 GeV momenta. We reconstruct the x-dependent PDF, as well as infer the first few even moments of the PDF using the 1-loop perturbative LaMET framework. We also present preliminary results for pion PDF with physical mass from DWF calculations. This talk is based on arXiv: 2007.06590.

Primary author

Mr Xiang Gao (BNL&THU)

Presentation materials