7–11 Sept 2020
Center for Nuclear Femtography (SURA) and Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (SBU/BNL)
US/Eastern timezone

Hybrid Renormalization for Quasi Light-Front Correlations in Large-Momentum Effective Theory

8 Sept 2020, 11:20



Jianhui Zhang (Beijing Normal University)


In large-momentum effective theory (LaMET), the quasi light-front correlations calculated on lattice contain both linear and logarithmic divergences in the lattice spacing, and thus need to be properly renormalized. The commonly used renormalization strategy in the literature has the problem of introducing extra non-perturbative effects at large distance. In this talk, I present a hybrid renormalization procedure that avoids this problem and is well-suited for matching the lattice correlations to those in the continuum MSbar scheme. Also addressed are several other issues that are important in extracting parton physics using LaMET.

Primary author

Jianhui Zhang (Beijing Normal University)

Presentation materials