7–11 Sept 2020
Center for Nuclear Femtography (SURA) and Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (SBU/BNL)
US/Eastern timezone

Matching for the twist-3 PDFs $g_T(x)$, $e(x)$ and $h_L(x)$: success or failure?

11 Sept 2020, 10:30



Shohini Bhattacharya (Graduate Student)


The perturbative procedure of matching within Large Momentum Effective Theory connects the quasi-parton distributions to the light-cone distributions that enter physical processes. This procedure has demonstrated success in the extraction of the twist-2 PDFs from lattice QCD. We explore the formalism of matching, for the first time, for the twist-3 PDFs $g_T(x)$, $e(x)$ and $h_L(x)$. We make several non-trivial observations, all of which arise from the presence of singular zero-mode contributions in the perturbative results of the light-cone and quasi-PDFs. While matching seems possible for $g_T(x)$, zero-mode contributions could pose a challenge for the matching in the case of $e(x)$ and $h_L(x)$.

Primary authors

Shohini Bhattacharya (Graduate Student) Krzysztof Cichy (Adam Mickiewicz University) Martha Constantinou (Temple University) Andreas Metz (Temple University) Aurora Scapellato (Adam Mickiewicz University) Fernanda Steffens (University of Bonn)

Presentation materials