7–11 Sept 2020
Center for Nuclear Femtography (SURA) and Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (SBU/BNL)
US/Eastern timezone

Extraction of Next-to-Next-to-Leading-Order PDFs from Lattice QCD Calculations

8 Sept 2020, 11:32



Mr Zheng-Yang Li (Peking University)


Quark correlation functions in position space are calculable in lattice QCD and factorizable into parton distribution functions with matching coefficients perturbatively calculable to all orders in QCD, which provides a way to extract PDFs from lattice QCD calculation. We present for the first time complete next-to-next-to-leading-order calculation of valence-quark matching coefficients. We find that theoretical uncertainties are improving with higher order contributions. Our method of calculations can be readily generalized to evaluate sea-quark matching coefficients and gluon correlation functions, putting the program to extract partonic structure of hadrons from lattice QCD calculations to be comparable with that from experimental measurements.

Primary author

Mr Zheng-Yang Li (Peking University)


Yan-Qing Ma (Peking University) Jianwei Qiu (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials