7–11 Sept 2020
Center for Nuclear Femtography (SURA) and Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (SBU/BNL)
US/Eastern timezone

Transverse momentum dependent factorization for lattice observables

7 Sept 2020, 10:30



Vladimirov Alexey (Regensburg University)


I present the derivation of the factorization theorem for the quasi-transverse-momentum-dependent (quasi-TMD) operator, within the soft collinear effective field theory framework. The factorized expression is built from the physical TMD distribution, and a nonperturbative lattice related factor. The lattice related functions cancel in appropriately constructed ratios. These ratios could be used to explore various properties of TMD distributions, for instance, the nonperturbative evolution kernel (Collins-Soper kernel). A discussion of such ratios and the related continuum properties of TMDs is presented.

Primary author

Vladimirov Alexey (Regensburg University)

Presentation materials