7–9 May 2014
Brookhaven National Laboratory
US/Eastern timezone


Plenary Session #1

7 May 2014, 09:00
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Upton, NY USA


Plenary Session #1

  • Ruben Cargano (Fermilab)
  • Giorgio Apollinari (Fermilab)

Plenary Session #1

  • Giorgio Apollinari
  • Ruben Carcagno

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Berndt Mueller (BNL)
07/05/2014, 09:00
Giorgio Apollinari (FNAL)
07/05/2014, 09:05
Lucio Rossi (CERN)
07/05/2014, 09:25
GianLuca Sabbi (LBNL)
07/05/2014, 09:45
Massimo Giovannozzi (CERN)
07/05/2014, 10:05
Dr Douglas Bett (University of Oxford)
07/05/2014, 10:35
Dr Kent Wootton (U. of Melbourne)
07/05/2014, 11:35
Dr Pei Zhang (CERN and U. of Manchester)
07/05/2014, 12:05
Akira Yamamoto (KEK/CERN)
07/05/2014, 13:30
Yunhai Cai (SLAC)
07/05/2014, 15:00
Building timetable...