23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

The low mass scalar impostor and the composite Higgs

23 Jun 2014, 16:50
214 Pupin

214 Pupin

Talk Physics Beyond the Standard Model Physics beyond the standard model


Mr chik him wong (University of California, San Diego)


The widely discussed near-conformal gauge theory with two fermion flavors in the two index symmetric (sextet) representation of the SU(3) color gauge group is the minimal realization of the composite Higgs mechanism. A comprehensive study of flavor singlet scalar spectroscopy with Higgs quantum numbers is reported based on extended new data sets.

Primary author

Mr chik him wong (University of California, San Diego)


Dr Daniel Nogradi (Eotvos University) Prof. Julius Kuti (University of California, San Diego) Prof. Kieran Holland (University of Pacific) Dr Santanu Mondal (Eotvos University) Prof. zoltan fodor (University of Wuppertal)

Presentation materials