Any causal 3+1 dimensional Lorentzian manifold may be discretized on a lattice with hypercubic coordination whose links are (non-constant) null-vectors. The nodes of this lattice are events at the intersection of 4 light cones from spatially separate (adjacent) nodes. I present this construction for two, three and four-dimensional Lorentzian manifolds -- and as an example, flat Minkowski space. Every causal manifold in this sense foliates into spatial sub-manifolds whose relation is provided by lightlike signals. However, not every hypercubic lattice with null-separation between the nodes is the discretization of a causal manifold. This converse holds only if the light-like links satisfy certain triangle inequalities. The constraints may be encoded in a local (topological) lattice theory without dynamical degrees of freedom. The constraints and the topological lattice theory that encodes them is quite elegant for a spinorial representation of the null-vectors.