Jul 19 – 23, 2021
Asia/Seoul timezone

2nd PSQ@EIC Meeting: Precision Studies on QCD at EIC

APCTP-CFNS Joint Meeting (Online)

19-23 July, 2021

Supported by APCTP, CHEP@KNU, CFNS


ZOOM Registration Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAude2gqz0rH9Y-ftX1TT_JElNqRPi9OZNF 


Timezone Converter: https://savvytime.com 

(2nd circular)

The second PSQ@EIC meeting, co-hosted by Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) and the Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, to be held remotely on July 19-23, 2021will examine the science requiring high luminosity at low to medium center of mass energies (25 to 65 GeV). The goal of these series of meetings is to motivate the study of high impact science in the context of the overall machine design, EIC operation, and detector performance.  This second meeting will focus on science highlights, detector concepts, and science documentation.

We invite you all to participate. Registration is now open. The meeting will be online via Zoom, and all registered participants will receive the instruction via email. We also open Call for Abstracts. If you want to present your recent research related to the EIC science, please submit the title and abstract. The selected talks will be presented during discussion sessions. Each contributed talk will be about 20 min but we also encourage to submit very short presentations (~ 5 slides) to initiate discussions. (Please leave a message in the call for abstracts if you have any requests.) Abstracts should be submitted before July 7, 2021 to get full consideration. Topics to be discussed in this meeting include:

  • The challenge of strong QCD 
  • Wigner functions, GPDs & TMDs 
  • Deeply virtual exclusive and semi-inclusive processes
  • Quark and gluon 3-D imaging
  • Proton orbital angular momentum 
  • Gravitational structure of the proton and nuclei 
  • Mass distribution, forces, and pressure in proton 
  • Exotic and heavy flavor hadron spectroscopy
  • Origin of hadron mass and confinement
  • Highlights of science of light ions
  • Performance of EIC at lower center-of-mass energy
  • Proposed detector solutions
  • Far forward particle detection and secondary focus

We look forward to your participation.


This event is part of the CFNS workshop/ad-hoc meeting series. See the CFNS conferences page for other events.


Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) is an international non-government organization established in 1996 with ten member countries of the Asia-Pacific region with the first president, Prof. C. N. Yang. The primary aim of the center is to build a hub-institute of theoretical physics in the Asia-Pacific region to facilitate collaboration and exchange of scientists of the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, and to provide a platform for scientists of less advanced regions. Since November 2017, the headquarter of the AAPPS (Association of the Asia-Pacific Physical Societies) has nestled in APCTP.