8:00 AM
Recent Results for Hadron Interactions in the HAL QCD Method
Sinya Aoki
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
8:30 AM
Finite Temperature Fine Lattice Simulation with DWQs
Yasumichi Aoki
(Nagoya University)
9:00 AM
Two-photon Exchange Contribution to the Muonic-hydrogen Lamb Shift from Lattice QCD
Xu Feng
(Columbia University)
9:30 AM
Lepton-nucleon Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections on the Lattice
Jun-Sik Yoo
(KEK, Tsukuba)
10:30 AM
Neutrino Physics from LQCD with Domain Wall Fermions
Aaron Meyer
(UC Berkeley/LBNL)
11:00 AM
Non-pertrubative studies of Hadronic Structure
Kostas Orginos
(College of William and Mary / JLab)
11:30 AM
Proton Mass Decomposition and Hadron Cosmological Constant
Keh-Fei Liu
(University of kentucky)
12:00 PM
Weak Hyperon Decays from Lattice QCD
Raoul Hodgson
12:20 PM
Electromagnetic & Isospin Breaking Corrections to Leptonic Decays
Andrew Yong
2:00 PM
Progress with the Global Fit from RBC-UKQCD
Yong-Chull Jang
(Columbia University)
2:30 PM
Lattice Calculation of the Pion Mass Splitting Using the Infinite Volume Reconstruction Method
Luchang Jin
(University of Connecticut/RBRC)
3:00 PM
Hadronic inputs for neutrino-less double beta decay
Vincenzo Cirigliano
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
3:30 PM
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from Lattice QCD
Amy Nicholson
4:00 PM
Nuclear double-beta decays from lattice QCD?
Zohreh Davoudi
4:30 PM
Proton Decay Matrix Elements
Sergey Syritsyn
(RIKEN-BNL Research Center)