BNL-HET & RBRC Joint Workshop "DWQ@25": Th​e event marks the passage of twenty-five years since the first numerical simulations with Domain Wall Quarks (DWQ)

Virtual Event

Virtual Event

Peter Boyle (BNL)

The meeting marks the passage of twenty-five years since the first numerical simulations with Domain Wall Quarks (DWQ) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. An important focus will be on the anomalies in the muon g-2 and in flavor-physics and how best the lattice can continue to address them. For the latter, heavy DWQ simulations including dynamical DWQ at finer lattice spacings will be discussed. Theoretical topics and challenges for Domain Wall Fermions in the next ten years will also be considered. Other topics include CP violation in kaon decays and mixing, long-distance calculations of Delta mK, rare K-decays, K^0=>2 gamma, pion scattering, radiative decays, EM corrections, nucleon EDM, proton decays, neutrino-nucleon scattering etc.

Organizing Committee Members:


Peter Boyle (BNL/Edinburgh)

Taku Izubuchi (BNL/RBRC)

Luchang Jin (UCONN/RBRC)

Chulwoo Jung (BNL/RBRC)

Christoph Lehner (BNL/Regensburg/RBRC)

Amarjit Soni (BNL)

Sergey Syritsyn (SBU/RBRC)

  • Aaron Meyer
  • Aida El-Khadra
  • Akio Tomiya
  • Alejandro Vaquero
  • Alessandro Barone
  • Amarjit Soni
  • Amy Nicholson
  • Andrea Shindler
  • Andreas Juettner
  • Andrew Hanlon
  • Andrew Zhen Ning Yong
  • Angelo Di Canto
  • Anna Hasenfratz
  • Anthony Kennedy
  • Antoine Gerardin
  • Antonin Portelli
  • Balint Toth
  • Benjamin Svetitsky
  • Bhupal Dev
  • Bigeng Wang
  • Christian Korthals Altes
  • Christian Schneider
  • Christoph Lehner
  • Christopher Aubin
  • Christopher Kane
  • Christopher Kelly
  • Christopher Sachrajda
  • Chulwoo Jung
  • Curtis Peterson
  • Daniel Hoying
  • David Kaplan
  • Davide Giusti
  • Dennis Bollweg
  • Elvira Gamiz
  • Enrico Lunghi
  • Ethan Neil
  • Fabian Joswig
  • Felix Erben
  • Fernando Romero-Lopez
  • Finn Stokes
  • Gen Wang
  • Gilberto Colangelo
  • Giuseppe Gagliardi
  • Guido Martinelli
  • Gumaro Rendon
  • Hartmut Neff
  • Harvey Meyer
  • Hidenori Fukaya
  • Hogan Nguyen
  • Hooman Davoudiasl
  • Isabel Campos
  • James Richings
  • Jia Jiangyong
  • Joe Karpie
  • Jonathan Flynn
  • Joshua Swaim
  • Julian Heeck
  • Jun-Sik Yoo
  • Justus Tobias Tsang
  • Kalman Szabo
  • Keh-Fei Liu
  • Kostas Orginos
  • Laurent Lellouch
  • Leonardo Giusti
  • Letizia Parato
  • Luchang Jin
  • Lucius Bushnaq
  • Ludovico Vittorio
  • Luigi Del Debbio
  • Maarten Golterman
  • Manuel Naviglio
  • Martin Lüscher
  • Masaaki Tomii
  • Matteo Di Carlo
  • Matthew Black
  • Mattia Bruno
  • Meifeng Lin
  • Michael Creutz
  • Michael Marshall
  • Michael Peardon
  • Ming Gong
  • Mitesh Patel
  • Nelson Lachini
  • Nicole Kelly
  • Nikolai Husung
  • Nobuyuki Matsumoto
  • Norman Christ
  • Oliver Witzel
  • Patrick Fritzsch
  • Pengxiang Ma
  • Peter Boyle
  • Peter Petreczky Petreczky
  • Raoul Hodgson
  • Richard Brower
  • rob pisarski
  • Robert Harlander
  • Robert Mawhinney
  • Robert Shrock
  • Robert Szafron
  • Ryan Hill
  • Ryan Kellermann
  • Sam Foreman
  • santi peris
  • Saurabh Kadam
  • Sergey Syritsyn
  • Shicheng Xia
  • Shigemi Ohta
  • Shoji Hashimoto
  • Silvano Simula
  • Sinya Aoki
  • Sinéad Ryan
  • Sophie Mutzel
  • Srimoyee Sen
  • Stefan Schacht
  • Stephen Sharpe
  • Takashi Kaneko
  • Taku Izubuchi
  • Teng Wang
  • thomas blum
  • Tian Lin
  • Tianle Wang
  • Toru Iijima
  • Vera Guelpers
  • Vincenzo Cirigliano
  • William Jay
  • William Marciano
  • Wolfgang Altmannshofer
  • Xiao-Yong Jin
  • Xiaoyang Wang
  • Xin-Yu Tuo
  • Xu Feng
  • Xuan-He Wang
  • Yang Fu
  • Yasumichi Aoki
  • Yidi Zhao
  • Yigal Shamir
  • Yong-Chull Jang
  • Yoshinobu Kuramashi
  • Yu Meng
  • Yu Zhang
  • Zi-Yu Wang
  • Zohreh Davoudi
  • Zoltan Fodor
    • 07:45 08:00
    • 08:00 17:10
      • 08:00
        Interplay of Lattice Fermion & Pauli-Villars Fields 30m Chair: Shoji Hashimoto

        Chair: Shoji Hashimoto

        Speaker: Yigal Shamir (Tel Aviv University)
      • 08:30
        Domain-wall Fermion & Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index 30m Chair: Shoji Hashimoto

        Chair: Shoji Hashimoto

        Speaker: Hidenori Fukaya (Osaka University)
      • 09:00
        Application of Tensor Renormalization Group to Quantum Field Theories 30m Chair:Taku Izubuchi

        Chair:Taku Izubuchi

        Speaker: Yoshinobu Kuramashi (Tsukuba)
      • 09:30
        Gauge covariant neural network and full QCD simulation 30m Chair: Taku Izubuchi

        Chair: Taku Izubuchi

        Speaker: Akio Tomiya (Osaka University)
      • 10:00
        Break 30m Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

      • 10:30
        Search for an Effective Change of Variable in QCD Simulations 30m Chair: Taku Izubuchi

        Chair: Taku Izubuchi

        Speaker: Nobuyuki Matsumoto (RIKEN)
      • 11:00
        The Chiral Anomaly & the Gradient Flow 30m Chair: Norman Christ

        Chair: Norman Christ

        Speaker: Martin Luescher (CERN)
      • 11:30
        The Small (gradient-)flow-time Expansion of the Effective Electro-weak Hamiltonian 30m Chair: Norman Christ

        Chair: Norman Christ

        Speaker: Robert Harlander (Aachen)
      • 12:00
        Recent Master-field Studies 30m Chair: Norman Christ

        Chair: Norman Christ

        Speaker: Mattia Bruno
      • 12:30
        Lunch 1h 30m Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

      • 14:00
        Renormalization Group and Gradient Flow: Non-perturbative determination of the beta function and anomalous dimensions 30m Chair: Chulwoo Jung

        Chair: Chulwoo Jung

        Speaker: Anna Hasenfratz (University of Colorado Boulder)
      • 14:30
        Large domain DDHMC for Domain Wall Fermions 30m Chair: Chulwoo Jung

        Chair: Chulwoo Jung

        Speaker: Peter Boyle (BNL)
      • 15:00
        Index Theorems, Generalized Hall Currents, & Topology for Domain Wall Fermions 30m Chair: Anna Hasenfratz

        Chair: Anna Hasenfratz

        Speaker: David Kaplan (University of Washington)
      • 15:30
        Study of Riemann Manifold HMC for Lattice QCD 30m Chair: Anna Hasenfratz

        Chair: Anna Hasenfratz

        Speaker: Chulwoo Jung (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 16:00
        Accelerated Sampling Techniques in Lattice QCD 20m Chair: Peter Boyle

        Chair: Peter Boyle

        Speaker: Sam Foreman (ANL)
      • 16:20
        A Variance Reduction Technique for Hadronic Correlators with Partially Twisted Boundary Conditions 20m Chair: Peter Boyle

        Chair: Peter Boyle


        Speaker: Alessandro Barone (USouthampton)
    • 08:00 16:00
      • 08:00
        Hadronic Vacuum Polarization from the BMW Collaboration 30m Chair: Luchang Jin

        Chair: Luchang Jin

        Speaker: Kalman Szabo (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
      • 08:30
        Staggering Towards the Continuum: Is the Lattice Spacing Small Enough for a(mu) hVP? 30m Chair: Luchang Jin

        Chair: Luchang Jin

        Speaker: Santi Peris (IFAE)
      • 09:00
        The Status & Near-term Prospects of Fermilab E989, the Muon g-2 Collaboration 30m Chair: Luchang Jin

        Chair: Luchang Jin

        Speaker: Hogan Nguyen (Fermilab)
      • 09:30
        The Hadronic Vacuum Polarisation Contribution to the Muon (g-2) from Lattice QCD with O(a) Improved Wilson Fermions 30m Chair: Tom Blum

        Chair: Tom Blum

        Speaker: Harvey Meyer (UMainz)
      • 10:00
        Break 30m Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

      • 10:30
        Leading Hadronic Contribution to the Muon g-2 with Twisted-mass Quarks 30m Chair: Tom Blum

        Chair: Tom Blum

        Speaker: Davide Giusti (University of Regensburg)
      • 11:00
        The Status & Near-Term Prospects for New Results on the HVP Contribution to the Muon g-2 from the Fermilab Lattice, HPQCD & MILC Collaborations 30m Chair: Maarten Golterman

        Chair: Maarten Golterman

        Speaker: Aida El-Khadra (University of Illinois)
      • 11:30
        Multi-level integration in the presence of fermions: the case of the hadronic contribution to $(g-2)_\mu$ 30m Chair: Maarten Golterman

        Chair: Maarten Golterman

        Speaker: Leonardo Giusti (INFN)
      • 12:00
        Status & Near-term Prospects for New Results on the HVP contribution to the Muon g-2 from the RBC & UKQCD Collaborations 30m Chair: Aida El-Khadra

        Chair: Aida El-Khadra

        Speaker: Christoph Lehner (BNL)
      • 12:30
        SM Prediction for VP & LBL for Muon (g-2) 30m Chair: Aida El-Khadra

        Chair: Aida El-Khadra

        Speaker: Gilberto Colangelo (ITP)
      • 13:00
        Remarks/End of Program 5m Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

    • 08:00 16:00
      • 08:00
        Status & Outlook for RD(*) & RK(*) from Belle/Belle II 30m Chairs: Angelo DiCanto

        Chairs: Angelo DiCanto

        Speaker: Toru Iijima (Nagoya University)
      • 08:30
        Status & Outlook for RD(*) & RK(*) from LHCb 30m Chairs: Angelo DiCanto

        Chairs: Angelo DiCanto

        Speaker: Mitesh Patel (Imperial College)
      • 09:00
        Opportunities & Problems with Inclusive Processes 30m Chair: Jonathan Flynn

        Chair: Jonathan Flynn

        Speaker: Shoji Hashimoto (KEK)
      • 09:30
        Semileptonic Form Factors from Lattice QCD from JLQCD 30m Chair: Jonathan Flynn

        Chair: Jonathan Flynn

        Speaker: Takashi Kaneko (KEK)
      • 10:00
        Break 30m Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

      • 10:30
        The B => D(*) Form-factors & the LUV R-ratios from Fermilab Lattice-MILC Collaboration 30m Chair: Oliver Witzel

        Chair: Oliver Witzel

        Speaker: Alejandro Vaquero (University of Utah)
      • 11:00
        Semileptonic for Factor for Bs => Ds (K) from RBC-UKQCD Collaborations 30m Chair: Oliver Witzel

        Chair: Oliver Witzel

        Speaker: Jonathan Flynn (University of Southampton)
      • 11:30
        Status & Outlook for B-mixings & the \xi Parameter 30m Chair: Oliver Witzel

        Chair: Oliver Witzel

        Speaker: Dr Justus Tobias Tsang (CP3-Origins, The University of Southern Denmark)
      • 12:00
        $D\to\pi$ Semileptonic Form Factors with Highly Improved Staggered Quarks 30m Chair: Oliver Witzel

        Chair: Oliver Witzel

        Speaker: William Isaac Jay (MIT)
      • 12:30
        Lunch 1h 30m Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

      • 14:00
        Anomolies and L_mu-L_tau 30m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Julian Heeck (University of Virginia)
      • 14:30
        Possible BSM Interpretations of Flavor & g-2 Anomalies 30m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Bhupal Dev (Washington University in St. Louis)
      • 15:00
        Semi-leptonic Form Factors & R-ratios for B to pi 20m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Ryan Hill (University of Southampton)
      • 15:20
        Charged Meson Decays to l+ Neutrino + Photon - 20m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Christopher Kane (University of Arizona)
    • 08:00 17:00
      Nucleon, etc.
      • 08:00
        Recent Results for Hadron Interactions in the HAL QCD Method 30m Chair: Christoph Lehner

        Chair: Christoph Lehner

        Speaker: Sinya Aoki (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
      • 08:30
        Finite Temperature Fine Lattice Simulation with DWQs 30m Chair: Christoph Lehner

        Chair: Christoph Lehner

        Speaker: Yasumichi Aoki (Nagoya University)
      • 09:00
        Two-photon Exchange Contribution to the Muonic-hydrogen Lamb Shift from Lattice QCD 30m Chair: Christoph Lehner

        Chair: Christoph Lehner

        Speaker: Xu Feng (Columbia University)
      • 09:30
        Lepton-nucleon Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections on the Lattice 20m Chair: Christoph Lehner

        Chair: Christoph Lehner

        Speaker: Jun-Sik Yoo (KEK, Tsukuba)
      • 09:50
        Break 40m Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

      • 10:30
        Neutrino Physics from LQCD with Domain Wall Fermions 30m Chair: Bob Mawhinney

        Chair: Bob Mawhinney

        Speaker: Aaron Meyer (UC Berkeley/LBNL)
      • 11:00
        Non-pertrubative studies of Hadronic Structure 30m Chair: Bob Mawhinney

        Chair: Bob Mawhinney

        Speaker: Kostas Orginos (College of William and Mary / JLab)
      • 11:30
        Proton Mass Decomposition and Hadron Cosmological Constant 30m Chair: Peter Boyle

        Chair: Peter Boyle

        Speaker: Keh-Fei Liu (University of kentucky)
      • 12:00
        Weak Hyperon Decays from Lattice QCD 20m Chair: Peter Boyle

        Chair: Peter Boyle

        Speaker: Raoul Hodgson (UEdinburgh)
      • 12:20
        Electromagnetic & Isospin Breaking Corrections to Leptonic Decays 20m Chair: Peter Boyle

        Chair: Peter Boyle

        Speaker: Andrew Yong (AC)
      • 12:40
        Lunch 1h 20m Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

      • 14:00
        Progress with the Global Fit from RBC-UKQCD 30m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Yong-Chull Jang (Columbia University)
      • 14:30
        Lattice Calculation of the Pion Mass Splitting Using the Infinite Volume Reconstruction Method 30m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Luchang Jin (University of Connecticut/RBRC)
      • 15:00
        Hadronic inputs for neutrino-less double beta decay 30m chair: Sergey Syritsyn

        chair: Sergey Syritsyn

        Speaker: Vincenzo Cirigliano (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
      • 15:30
        Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from Lattice QCD 30m Chair: Sergey Syritsyn

        Chair: Sergey Syritsyn

        Speaker: Amy Nicholson (UNC)
      • 16:00
        Nuclear double-beta decays from lattice QCD? 30m Chair: Sergey Syritsyn

        Chair: Sergey Syritsyn

        Speaker: Zohreh Davoudi (MIT)
      • 16:30
        Proton Decay Matrix Elements 30m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Sergey Syritsyn (RIKEN-BNL Research Center)
    • 00:20 16:00
      Kaon, etc.
      • 08:00
        News from the Lattice & the Unitarity Triangle 30m Chair: Chris Sachrajda

        Chair: Chris Sachrajda

        Speaker: Guido Martinelli (INFN)
      • 08:30
        Decay amplitudes from rare $K \to \pi \ell^+ \ell^-$ decays 30m Chair: Chris Sachrajda

        Chair: Chris Sachrajda

        Speaker: Felix Erben (UEdinburgh)
      • 09:00
        Direct CP Violation & the $\Delta I1/2$ Rule in $K\pi\pi$ Decay in the Standard Model 30m Chair: Guido Martinelli

        Chair: Guido Martinelli

        Speaker: Christopher Kelly (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 09:30
        K -> pipi Decay Matrix Elements at the Physical Point with Periodic Boundary Conditions 30m Chair: Guido Martinelli

        Chair: Guido Martinelli

        Speaker: Masaaki Tomii (UConn)
      • 10:00
        Break 30m Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

      • 10:30
        Maiani-Testa approach and the inverse problem 30m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Maxwell Hansen (U. of Edinburgh)
      • 11:00
        The E&M Corrections to K->pipi 30m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Joe Karpie (Columbia U)
      • 11:30
        The Pseudoscalar Spectrum & Theta = pi 30m Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Chair: Amarjit Soni

        Speaker: Michael Creutz (Physics Department, BNL)
      • 12:00
        Lunch Break 2h Virtual Event

        Virtual Event

      • 14:00
        K\pi Scattering at Physical Pion Mass Using Distillation 20m Chair: Chris Kelly

        Chair: Chris Kelly

        Speaker: Nelson Lachini (UEdinburgh)
      • 14:20
        pi pi Scattering Phases with Physical Pions 20m Chair: Chris Kelly

        Chair: Chris Kelly

        Speaker: Tianle Wang (Columbia University)
      • 14:40
        Lattice Calculation of DELTA MK 20m Chair: Chris Kelly

        Chair: Chris Kelly

        Speaker: Bigeng Wang (Columbia University)
      • 15:00
        KL Decays to Two Photons 20m Chair: Chris Kelly

        Chair: Chris Kelly

        Speaker: Yidi Zhao (Columbia University)
      • 15:20
        Closing Remarks 10m