29 June 2022 to 1 July 2022
Physics Building
US/Eastern timezone

Final-state interactions in electron-ion collisions in eHIJING

29 Jun 2022, 11:30
Room C-120 (Physics Building)

Room C-120

Physics Building

Room C-120 (called “Peter Paul Seminar Room”) on the C-floor of the Physics Building. Once registered for the workshop, the online participants will receive a zoom link to connect to the workshop.


Weiyao Ke (UCB & LBNL)


Jet plays a central role in physics at future electron-ion colliders, bridging experimental observables and the partonic structure of the atomic nuclei at high energy. In large nuclei, enhanced final-state jet-nucleus interactions cause transverse momentum broadening of jets and modifications of jet fragmentation. Such modifications are also channels to probe small-$x$ gluon distribution in the nucleus. We developed the electron-Jet-Multiple-Interaction-Generator (eHIJING) to study the interplay of momentum broadening and medium-modified jet fragmentation and further analyzed theoretical uncertainty using different calculations of in-medium parton splittings. The model is applied to describe semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering data from CLAS, HERMES, and EMC experiments. I will also discuss future developments towards the study at the electron-ion colliders.

Primary authors

Weiyao Ke (UCB & LBNL) Dr Yayun HE (South China Normal University) Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Hongxi Xing (South China Normal University) Yuan-Yuan Zhang (CCNU)

Presentation materials