Sep 20 – 22, 2022
MIT, Maclaurin Buildings, Building 4
US/Eastern timezone

The aim of this workshop is to understand the long-term needs and challenges for the theory supporting the EIC physics in connection with the upcoming NSAC Long Range Plan. 

To ensure a broad coverage of topics the workshop will bring together theorists working in different fields. The topics to be discussed at the workshop include, but not limited to:

1) Exclusive processes, 3D structure of the hadrons, origin of nucleon spin and mass

2) SCET and TMDs

3) Study of gluon saturation and nuclear PDF

5) Quarkonium production at EIC

6) Precision study of nucleon PDF

7) Study of nuclear structure at EIC

8) Tests of fundamental symmetries at EIC

9) Computational challenges in EIC theory, including lattice QCD

Organizers: Ian Cloët (ANL), Dmitri Kharzeev (Stony Brook University/BNL), Xiandong Ji (University of Maryland), Peter Petreczky (BNL), Jianwei Qiu (JLab), Phiala Shanahan (MIT), Ian Stewart (MIT), Ivan Vitev (LANL), Feng Yuan (LBNL)

Speakers: Martha Constantinou (Temple U), Wim Cosyn (Florida Inernational U), Yoshitaka Hatta (BNL), Zhongbo Kang (UCLA), Emanuele Mereghetti (LANL), Filomena Nunes (MSU), Jianwei Qiu (Jlab), Nobuo Sato (Jlab), Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana U/Jlab), Ian Stewart (MIT), Raju Venugopalan (BNL), Ivan Vitev (LANL), Werner Vogelsang (Tuebingen U), Yong Zhao (ANL)

This event is part of the CFNS workshop/ad-hoc meeting series. See the CFNS conferences page for other events.


MIT, Maclaurin Buildings, Building 4
Pappalardo Room, 4-349
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue, 32-155 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
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Registration for this event is currently open.