CFNS Monthly Postdoc Meeting

C120 (SBU)



Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University), Zuhal Seyma Demiroglu (Stony Brook University)
    • 11:00 11:15
      Quark and Gluon Helicity Evolution at Small-x 15m
      Speaker: Andrey Tarasov (North Carolina State University)
    • 11:20 11:35
      Nuclear Matter in all these states 15m
      Speaker: Charles-Joseph Naim (Stony Brook University)
    • 11:40 11:55
      Space Charge Effects Control and Correction for the sPHENIX TPC 15m
      Speaker: Evgeny Shulga (Stony Brook University)
    • 12:00 12:15
      Quantum Computation 15m
      Speaker: Kazuki Ikeda (Stony Brook University)