21–23 Jun 2023
Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Transversity PDF of the proton from lattice QCD with physical quark masses

22 Jun 2023, 15:00
Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, Stony Brook University

Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, Stony Brook University

Department of Physics and Astronomy Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800


Xiang Gao


The transversity PDFs, which describe the difference between probabilities to find a parton spin aligned and anti-aligned to the transversely polarized parent nucleon, is considerably less constrained from experiments due to their chiral-odd nature. Complementary information from lattice QCD is desired. In this talk, we report a calculation using a Nf=2+1 HISQ ensemble with physical-mass quarks and a lattice spacing of a=0.076 fm. Applying short distance factorization to the ratio-scheme renormalized bi-local matrix elements of nucleon boosted up to 1.5 GeV, we extract the first few Mellin moments and reconstruct the Bjorken-x dependence using a deep neural network (DNN).  We also present the results from large-momentum effective theory approach utilizing a hybrid renormalization scheme.

Primary authors

Andrew Hanlon (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Xiang Gao Nikhil Karthik (BNL) Peter Petreczky (BNL) Qi Shi (BNL&CCNU) Sergey Syritsyn (RIKEN-BNL Research Center) Swagato Mukherjee (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Yong Zhao (member@anl.gov)

Presentation materials