Jul 22 – 27, 2024
US/Eastern timezone



Comfort Suites Bethlehem - Comfort Suites Inn is within walking distance (0.5 mile or 0.8 km) of the conference venue.  Parking at the hotel is free and the hotel has a free breakfast.  The group rate that we have received is $85/day.

To reserve your room, please call the direct line and tell them you want the Lehigh Physics Department Conference Rate.  Our Group Contact is Marina Long.  The phone number is 1(610) 882-9700.

Trembley Apartments - These on campus apartments will be available to early career scientists and others in need.  Please fill in the form at: Housing Form by Friday, June 7.  The rate for the apartments (3 individual bedrooms) is $55/day.  The apartments are within walking distance  (0.4 miles or 0.6 km) of the conference venue.

Other options:

Hotel Bethlehem - This is a historic hotel (for the US) on the North side of town.  The physics department uses this for our colloquium speakers.  It is a short drive to the conference venue.  https://www.hotelbethlehem.com/

The Sayre Mansion - This historic mansion is within walking distance of the conference venue.  They have only a few rooms, but it is an interesting place. https://sayremansion.com/

The Hyatt Place Bethlehem - This hotel is on the North side of town and is a short drive from the conference venue.  They are usually reasonably priced in the range of $120.  Hyatt Hotel Bethlehem