Summer 2024 Joint EICUG/ePIC Collaboration Meeting

27 Memorial Dr W, Bethlehem, PA 18015

The joint 2024 Electron-Ion Collider User Group (EICUG) meeting and 5th semi-annual meeting of the ePIC Collaboration will take place at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania from July 22nd to 28th, 2024.

Draft Agenda:

The conference sessions will be held at Rauch Business Center on Lehigh's main campus.  The address of the center is 27 Memorial Drive West, Bethlehem, PA 18015.  Parking for this venue will be at the Zoellner parking garage.

The Early Career Day indico can be found at:

Registration for the EICUG/ePIC Collaboration
  • Abhay Deshpande
  • Adam Gibson
  • Adeeb Saed
  • Ahmed Hamed
  • Akshaya Vijay
  • Alberto Calivà
  • Alessia Fantini
  • Alexander Bazilevsky
  • Alexander Jentsch
  • Alexander Kiselev
  • Alexandr Prozorov
  • Amal Sarkar
  • Anatoly Evdokimov
  • Andrii Natochii
  • Anna Stasto
  • Annalisa D'Angelo
  • Annalisa De Caro
  • Anne Sickles
  • Aranya Giri
  • Arzoo Sharma
  • Audrey Francisco
  • Austin Baty
  • Austin Rosypal
  • Ayman Al-bataineh
  • Barak Schmookler
  • Barbara Jacak
  • Benedetto DI RUZZA
  • Bernd Surrow
  • Bobae Kim
  • Brad Jeffrey
  • Brennan Schaefer
  • Brian Eng
  • Brian Page
  • Carlos Munoz Camacho
  • Caroline Riedl
  • Chandradoy Chatterjee
  • Chao Peng
  • Charles Hyde
  • Charles-Joseph Naim
  • Charlotte Van Hulse
  • Cheuk-Ping Wong
  • Christine Aidala
  • Christoph Montag
  • Christopher Anson
  • Chun Yuen Tsang
  • Churamani Paudel
  • Craig Woody
  • Cristina Ripoli
  • Cristina Tuve
  • Daniel Cacace
  • Daniel Tapia Takaki
  • Daniele De Gruttola
  • Dave Gaskell
  • David Abbott
  • David Morrison
  • David Tlusty
  • Davide Falchieri
  • Deepa Thomas
  • Derek Anderson
  • Ding Chen
  • Dmitrii Kalinkin
  • Dmitry Romanov
  • Domenico Colella
  • Domenico Elia
  • Douglas Higinbotham
  • E. C. Aschenauer
  • Eric Mannel
  • Ernst Sichtermann
  • Ethan Tuttle
  • Evan Croft
  • Evgeny Shulga
  • Ewa Glimos
  • Fernando Barbosa
  • Fernando Flor
  • Francesco Bossù
  • Friederike Bock
  • Fulvio Tessarotto
  • Gary Penman
  • Genki NUKAZUKA
  • Grzegorz Deptuch
  • Haiyan Gao
  • Hamlet MKRTCHYAN
  • Hartmut Sadrozinski
  • Henry Klest
  • Hrachya Marukyan
  • Huan Huang
  • Isaac Mooney
  • James Fast
  • James Glover
  • Jan Bernauer
  • Janet Seger
  • Janusz Chwastowski
  • Jasleen Sandhu
  • Jaydeep Datta
  • Jeff Landgraf
  • Jihee Kim
  • Jin Huang
  • Joachim Schambach
  • Joe Osborn
  • Joe Schwiening
  • John Lajoie
  • Justin Frantz
  • kaboole james
  • Kenneth Barish
  • Kenta Shigaki
  • Kolja Kauder
  • Kondo Gnanvo
  • Laura Gonella
  • Leszek Kosarzewski
  • Liliana Teodorescu
  • Luca Pontisso
  • Mahumm Ghaffar
  • Marco Contalbrigo
  • Marco Radici
  • Maria Zurek
  • Marija Čuić
  • Mariusz Przybycien
  • Markus Diefenthaler
  • Marta Ruspa
  • Martin Purschke
  • Marzia Rosati
  • Masashi Kaneta
  • Mate Csanad
  • Matt Posik
  • Matteo Cerutti
  • Matthew Nguyen
  • Maxim Potekhin
  • Megan Connors
  • Micah Meskowitz
  • Miguel Arratia
  • Milan Patel
  • Mriganka Mouli Mondal
  • Nathan Shankman
  • Nicola Funicello
  • Nicola Rubini
  • Nicolas Schmidt
  • Nicole Apadula
  • Norbert Novitzky
  • Nouhaila Bouhadi
  • Oleg Tsai
  • Olga Evdokimov
  • Oskar Hartbrich
  • Paul Newman
  • Peter Steinberg
  • Pietro Antonioli
  • Prakhar Garg
  • Prashanth Shanmuganathan
  • Preet Mann
  • Prithwish Tribedy
  • Qiong Wu
  • Ralf Seidl
  • Renee Fatemi
  • Richard Trotta
  • Roberto Preghenella
  • Roland Wimmer
  • Rolf Ent
  • Rongrong Ma
  • Rosario Turrisi
  • Rosi Reed
  • Ryan Brandt
  • Sakib Rahman
  • Salvatore Fazio
  • Saraswati Pandey
  • Satoshi Yano
  • Sebouh Paul
  • Seung Joon Lee
  • Shujie Li
  • Shyam Kumar
  • Silvia Dalla Torre
  • Simone Vallarino
  • Sourav Tarafdar
  • Stefan Diehl
  • Subhadip Pal
  • Sylvester Joosten
  • Takashi Hachiya
  • Taku Gunji
  • Thomas O'Connor
  • Thomas Ullrich
  • Todd Huffman
  • Tommaso Isidori
  • Tonko Ljubicic
  • Torre Wenaus
  • Tristan Protzman
  • Tucker Hwang
  • Tyler Kutz
  • Vardan Tadevosyan
  • Vincent Andrieux
  • Walter Sondheim
  • Wei Li
  • Weibin Zhang
  • Wenliang Li
  • William Llope
  • Win Lin
  • Wouter Deconinck
  • Xiaochun He
  • Xiaoxuan Chu
  • Xilin Liang
  • Xin Dong
  • Xuan Li
  • Yuji Goto
  • Zhangbu Xu
  • Zhengqiao Zhang
  • Zhenyu Ye
  • Zhongbo Kang
  • Zhoudunming Tu
  • Zisis Papandreou
  • Zuhal Seyma Demiroglu
    • 08:30
      Coffee, Tea and snacks

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • 1
      EICUG Early Career - See Rm 85 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 85

      Rauch Business Center

      Rauch Business Center - RM 85
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • 10:30
      Coffee, Tea and snacks

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • 12:30

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • 2
      EICUG Early Career - See Rm 85 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 85

      Rauch Business Center

      Rauch Business Center - RM 85
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • 15:30
      Coffee, Tea and snacks

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • 3
      EICUG Early Career - See

      Rauch Business Center - RM 85
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • 08:30
      Coffee, Tea, Snacks and Registration

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • EICUG: First Morning Session Rm 184 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 184

      Rauch Business Center

      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      • 4
      • 5
        New Structure of the Users Group in Phase III
        Speakers: Marco Radici (INFN - Sezione di Pavia), Or Hen (MIT)
      • 6
        Election and Nominating Committee: Results of Elections
        Speaker: Cristina Tuvè (Univ. Catania)
      • 7
        Report from the Theory Working Group
        Speaker: Anna Stasto (Penn State University)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • EICUG: Second Morning Session Rm 184 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 184

      Rauch Business Center

      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      • 8
        Report from the MC4EIC Working Group (remote)
        Speaker: Frank Krauss (Durham Univ.)
      • 9
        Report from the AI4EIC Working Group (remote)
        Speaker: Cristiano Fanelli (W&M)
      • 10
        Future plans for the 2nd Detector (remote talk + discussion)
        Speakers: Anselm Vossen (;, Renee Fatemi (University of Kentucky)
    • 12:30
      Lunch (+ Photo)

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • EICUG: First Afternoon Session Rm 184 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 184

      Rauch Business Center

      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      • 11
        EICUG Award ceremony
        Speakers: Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University), Marco Radici (INFN - Sezione di Pavia), Or Hen (MIT), Renee Fatemi (University of Kentucky)
      • 12
        Ongoing efforts to study gluon saturation at RHIC and at the LHC
        Speaker: Xiaoxuan Chu (BNL)
      • 13
        Harnessing intricacies of Jets for Breakthroughs in QCD
        Speaker: Kyle Lee (MIT)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break
    • EICUG: Second Afternoon Session Rm 184 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 184

      Rauch Business Center

      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      • 14
        Highlights from the JLab 12 GeV program towards the EIC
      • 15
        TMDs with flavor dependence: the MAPTMD24 extraction
        Speaker: Matteo Cerutti (Hampton Univ. & JLab)
      • 16
        Early Career Award Ceremony
        Speakers: Aranya Giri (, Jennifer Rittenhouse West (LBNL), Dr Maria Stefaniak (Ohio State University), Nicolas Schmidt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory - (US)), Wenliang Li (Stony Brook University CFNS)
    • 08:30
      Coffee, Tea, Snacks and Registration

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • EICUG: First Session Rm 184 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 184

      Rauch Business Center

      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      • 17
        Report from the Accelerator WG
        Speaker: Qiong Wu (BNL)
      • 18
        The early EIC physics program: discussion
        Speakers: Dr E. C. Aschenauer (BNL), Rolf Ent (Jefferson Lab)
      • 19
        Report from DE&I
        Speaker: Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 10:20
      Coffee Break
    • EICUG/ePIC Joint Session: First Joint Session Rm 184 (Rausch Business Center)

      Rm 184

      Rausch Business Center

      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      • 20
        News from Europe: NuPECC LRP and EU EIC School
        Speaker: Pietro Antonioli (INFN - sezione di Bologna)
      • 21
        Report from DOE
        Speaker: Linda Horton (DOE)
      • 22
        Report from 2nd and 3rd RRB Meeting (remote)
        Speakers: Haiyan Gao (Duke University), Haiyan Gao (BNL)
      • 23
        Report from NSF
        Speaker: Allena Opper (NSF)
    • 12:30
    • EICUG/ePIC Joint Session: Joint Session Rm 184 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 184

      Rauch Business Center

      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      • 24
        Report from the EIC Project
        Speakers: James Yeck (University of Wisconsin-Madison and Brookhaven National Laboratory), Jim Yeck
      • 25
        Status of the ePIC Collaboration
        Speaker: John Lajoie (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 26
        Report from the ePIC Technical Coordinator
        Speaker: Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break
    • EICUG/ePIC Joint Session: Last Joint Session Rm 184 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 184

      Rauch Business Center

      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      • 27
        Global strategy to build an international EIC community
        Speaker: Dr E. C. Aschenauer (BNL)
      • 28
        Discussion with Experts Led by Joint DE&I
        Speakers: Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Megan Connors (Georgia State University), Megan Connors (Georgia State University RBRC)
    • 29
      Social Dinner Zest


      306 S New St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
    • 08:00
      Coffee, Tea and Snacks

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • MPGD DSC Workfest Rm 61 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 61

      Rauch Business Center

      Conveners: Annalisa D'Angelo (University of Rome Tor Vergata & INFN Roma Tor Vergata), Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay), Francesco Bossù (CEA), Kondo Gnanvo (Jefferson Lab), Matt Posik (Temple University)
    • PID CC WG 309 (Lewis Lab)


      Lewis Lab

      Convener: Thomas Ullrich (BNL)
    • Path Towards Holistic Reconstruction Rm 91 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 91

      Rauch Business Center

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium 621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      Conveners: Daniel Brandenburg (Ohio State University), Derek Anderson (Iowa State University), Dmitrii Kalinkin (University of Kentucky), Shujie Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Tyler Kutz (MIT)
      • 30
        Tracking (reconstruction workflow)
        Speaker: Shujie Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 31
        Calorimetry (reconstruction workflow)
        Speaker: Derek Anderson (Iowa State University)
      • 32
        Vertexing (reconstruction workflow)
        Speaker: Xin Dong (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 33
        Electron ID (reconstruction workflow)
        Speaker: Tyler Kutz (MIT)
      • 34
        PID (reconstruction workflow)
      • 35
        Far forward (reconstruction workflow)
      • 36
        Far backward (reconstruction workflow)
      • 37
        Coffee break
      • 38
        Track-cluster matching (integration discussion)
        Speaker: Tyler Kutz (MIT)
      • 39
        Cluster shape parameters (integration discussion)
      • 40
        Track-particle matching (integration discussion)
      • 41
        Tracking in time frames (integration discussion)
      • 42
        Particle flow (integration discussion)
      • 43
        Long-term goals (integration discussion)
    • SRO+DAQ Workfest Rm 85 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 85

      Rauch Business Center

      Conveners: David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab), Fernando Barbosa (JLab), Jeff Landgraf (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Jin Huang (Brookhaven National Lab), Marco Battaglieri (Jefferson Lab)
    • SVT DSC Rm 512 (Lewis Lab)

      Rm 512

      Lewis Lab

      Conveners: Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham)
      • 44
        Inner Barrel
      • 45
      • 10:30
      • 46
    • 10:30
      Coffee, Tea and Snacks

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • 12:00

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • Integration and Installation Rm 151 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 151

      Rauch Business Center

      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      Conveners: Prakhar Garg (Yale University), Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)
      • 47
        Introduction/ Current status of ePIC Detector & discussion
        Speaker: Rahul Sharma (BNL)
      • 48
        Central Detectors Installation and supports & discussion
        Speakers: Dan Cacace (BNL), Nathaniel Speece-Moyer (BNL)
      • 49
        Mechanics and simulation information exchanges
        Speaker: Dr Wouter Deconinck (University of Manitoba)
      • 50
        Far detectors installation and support & discussion
      • 51
        Routing Plans for Cooling and Services & discussion
        Speaker: Roland Wimmer
      • 52
        Global Installation Tube and ToF support Design
        Speaker: Andreas Jung
      • 53
        BOT and ECT (uRwell detectors) design and integration for the MPGD
        Speaker: Seung Joon Lee (Jefferson Lab)
      • 54
        Barrel EMCAL Engineering Update
        Speakers: Kevin Bailey (ANL), Tom O'Connor (ANL)
      • 55
        nEMCal Engineering Design Update
        Speaker: Carlos Munoz Camacho (IJCLab-Orsay (France))
      • 56
        pfRICH Engineering Update
        Speaker: Alex Eslinger (;
    • Path Towards Holistic Reconstruction Rm 91 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 91

      Rauch Business Center

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium 621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015
      Conveners: Daniel Brandenburg (Ohio State University), Derek Anderson (Iowa State University), Shujie Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Tyler Kutz (MIT)
      • 57
        BELLE-II PID experience
      • 58
      • 59
        Working session I
      • 60
        Coffee break
      • 61
        Working session II
      • 62
        Closeout discussion
    • SRO+DAQ Workfest Rm 85 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 85

      Rauch Business Center

      Conveners: David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab), Fernando Barbosa (JLab), Jeff Landgraf (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Jin Huang (Brookhaven National Lab), Marco Battaglieri (Jefferson Lab)
    • 15:00
      Coffee, Tea and Snacks

      Rauch Business Center - Atrium
      621 Taylor St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

    • LFHCAL + Backwards HCAL Rm 61 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 61

      Rauch Business Center

      Conveners: Friederike Bock (ORNL), Leszek Kosarzewski (Ohio State University)
    • Cal Reconstruction Hackathon Rm 61 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 61

      Rauch Business Center

      Convener: Friederike Bock (ORNL)
    • 08:00
      Coffee, Tea and Snacks Atrium (Rauch Business Center)


      Rauch Business Center

    • Collaboration Council Meeting Rm 184 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 184

      Rauch Business Center

      • 63
        Speakers: Bernd Surrow (MIT), Thomas Ullrich (BNL)
      • 64
        Presentation of New Institution Proposals
      • 65
        Presentation of Collaboration Policies in Development
      • 66
        Collaboration Policies Discussion
      • 67
        Closed Session
    • 10:30
      Coffee, Tea and Snacks Atrium (Rauch Business Center)


      Rauch Business Center

    • 12:00
      Lunch Atrium (Rauch Business Center)


      Rauch Business Center

    • Interaction Tagger Workfest Rm 61 (Rausch Business Center)

      Rm 61

      Rausch Business Center

      Convener: Pietro Antonioli (INFN - sezione di Bologna)
    • MPGD DSC Workfest Rm 151 (Rausch Business Center)

      Rm 151

      Rausch Business Center

      Conveners: Annalisa D'Angelo (University of Rome Tor Vergata & INFN Roma Tor Vergata), Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay), Francesco Bossù (CEA), Kondo Gnanvo (Jefferson Lab), Matt Posik (Temple University)
    • TOF and AC-LGAD Workfest Rm 85 (Rauch Business Center)

      Rm 85

      Rauch Business Center

      Conveners: Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University), Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University)
      • 68
        Speaker: Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University)
      • 69
        Barrel TOF
        Speaker: Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University)
      • 70
        Forward TOF
      • 71
        FF AC-LGAD detectors
        Speaker: Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 72
        Luminosity Tracker
      • 73
        Speakers: Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Matthew Gignac (UC Santa Cruz)
      • 14:45
        Coffee Break
      • 74
        Speakers: Artur Apresyan (Fermilab), Zhenyu Ye (University of Illinois at Chicago)
      • 75
      • 76
        Speaker: Prof. Wei Li (Rice University)
      • 77
        Support structure & PCB & Cooling
        Speaker: Oskar Hartbrich (Oak Ridge National Lab)
      • 78
        Speaker: Prithwish Tribedy (BNL)
      • 79

        HPK vs BNL sensor, what is the final conclusion and how to proceed?
        material budget and its impact on other detectors, how to proceed?
        TDR content

    • Vertex Finding and HF Reco + TDR Plots Rm 91 (Rausch Business Center)

      Rm 91

      Rausch Business Center

      Conveners: Barak Schmookler (UC Riverside), Barak Schmookler (University of California, Riverside), Brian Page (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Olga Evdokimov (UIC), Shujie Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Xin Dong (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    • 15:00
      Coffee, Tea and Snacks Atrium (Rauch Business Center)


      Rauch Business Center

    • 80
      Networking Reception 101 - Tauck Lobby (Business Innovation Building)

      101 - Tauck Lobby

      Business Innovation Building

      201 East Packer Avenue
    • 07:45
      Coffee, Tea and Snacks
    • Plenary Session
      Conveners: John Lajoie (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)
      • 81
        Draft pre-TDR Progress Report and Technical Publication Strategy
        Speaker: Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)
      • 82
        Software and Computing Coordinator Report and Publication Strategy
        Speaker: Markus Diefenthaler (Jefferson Lab)
      • 83
        Analysis Coordinators Report and Physics Publication Strategy
      • 84
        Discussion - ePIC preTDR and Publication Strategy
      • 10:00
        Coffee Break
      • 85
        SRO+DAQ Workfest Report + CC WG Report
        Speakers: David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab), Jeff Landgraf (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Jin Huang (Brookhaven National Lab), Marco Battaglieri (Jefferson Lab)
      • 86
        Self-Proposed Contributions
        • a) dRICH prototype beam test: overview and first results
          Speakers: Nicola Rubini (INFN Bologna), Nicola Rubini (University and INFN of Bologna, CERN)
        • b) Calorimeter Insert prototype testing during 200 GeV pp run at RHIC
          Speakers: Weibin Zhang (UC Riverside), Weibin Zhang (UC Riverside)
        • c) Electron Compton polarimetry R&D
          Speaker: Tommaso Isidori (University of Kansas)
        • d) Firebird - event display and data visualization for ePIC
          Speaker: Dmitry Romanov (Jefferson lab)
        • e) Test of Single Event Effects on ITS3 Monolithic Sensors
          Speaker: Nicola Minafra (The University of Kansas)
    • 12:00
    • Plenary Session
      Conveners: John Lajoie (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)
      • 87
        Integration and Installation Workfest Report
        Speaker: Prakhar Garg (Yale University)
      • 88
        MPGD DSC Workfest Report
        Speakers: Annalisa D'Angelo (University of Rome Tor Vergata & INFN Roma Tor Vergata), Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay), Francesco Bossù (CEA), Kondo Gnanvo (Jefferson Lab), Matt Posik (Temple University)
      • 89
        TOF & AC-LGAD Workfest Report
        Speakers: Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University), Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University), Zhangbu Xu (BNL)
      • 90
        SVT DSC WG Report
        Speakers: Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham)
      • 91
        LFHCAL + Backwards HCAL Workfest Report
        Speakers: Friederike Bock (ORNL), Leszek Kosarzewski (Ohio State University)
      • 14:40
        Coffee Break
      • 92
        ePIC Early Career Activities
        Speakers: Aranya Giri (, Dr Maria Stefaniak (Ohio State University), Nicolas Schmidt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 93
        PID CC WG Workfest Report
        Speaker: Thomas Ullrich (BNL)
      • 94
        Electron ID & Reconstruction + Path Towards Holistic Reco. Workfest Report
        Speakers: Daniel Brandenburg (Ohio State University), Derek Anderson (Iowa State University), Dmitrii Kalinkin (University of Kentucky), Shujie Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Tyler Kutz (MIT)
      • 95
        Interaction Tagger Workfest Report
        Speaker: Pietro Antonioli (INFN - sezione di Bologna)
      • 96
        Vertex Finding and HF Reco. + TDR Plots for Vertex and Reco. Workfest Report
        Speakers: Barak Schmookler (University of California, Riverside), Barak Schmookler (UC Riverside), Brian Page (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Olga Evdokimov (UIC), Shujie Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Xin Dong (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 97
        Closing Remarks
        Speaker: John Lajoie (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)