Jul 22 – 27, 2024
US/Eastern timezone


Registration for the EICUG/ePIC Collaboration

The registration fees are as follows:

  • Early Career Day - Monday, July 22nd - Free
  • EICUG - Tuesday, July 23rd to Wednesday, July 24th - $70
  • ePIC Collaboration Meeting - Wednesday, July 24th to Saturday, July 27th - $100
  • Social Dinner at Zest - Wednesday, July 24th - $60
  • Networking Reception - Friday, July 26th - Free

The registration fee will cover 2x coffee breaks, lunch, and coffee/small snacks per day.

A link to a Google form with the detailed registration will be emailed to you upon registering. This will allow you to select your preferred options. The link for payment will be sent following registration.

Early Career scientists will be given a reduced fee, depending on the number of early career scientists who register.

There will be some airport shuttles, see the travel tab for details. For people requesting the low cost ($55/day) on-campus housing, there is form under accommodations.