Jun 24 – 28, 2019
US/Eastern timezone
5th International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions

IP-Jazma critical assessment of physics attributions

Jun 26, 2019, 2:00 PM
301 (Pupin)



Oral Collectivity in small systems Parallel: Collectivity in small systems 1


Dr Bill Zajc (Columbia University) William Zajc (Columbia University)


The IP-Jazma model was constructed to elucidate which features of calculations in
the color glass condensate framework are attributable to simple geometry and scaling, and which are manifestations of more complex physics. In this talk we detail comparisons with CGC calculations in the dilute-dense limit, in the dense-dense limit (via IP-Glasma), and more phenomenological models such as Trento. Our result indicate that many results attributed in the literature to complex QCD phenomena are in fact dominated by simple geometric effects.

Primary author

Dr Jamie Nagle (University of Colorado Boulder)


Dr Sanghoon Lim (University of Colorado Boulder) Dr Bill Zajc (Columbia University)

Presentation materials