Recent QCD results from the xFitter project

25 Mar 2020, 09:30
Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY

333 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, USA
Contributed Talk Structure Functions and Parton Densities Structure function and parton densities


alexander glazov (DESY)


We present recent results from the xFitter project: an open-source
software framework for the determination of PDFs and the analysis of
QCD physics. xFitter has been used for a variety of LHC studies
including the measurement of the strange PDF, which we briefly
summarize. Additionally, charged current DIS charm production provides
a complementary perspective on s(x). We make use of the xFitter tools
to study the present s(x) constraints, and then use LHeC pseudo-data
to infer how these might improve. We also make use of the LHC
forward-backward asymmetry in neutral current Drell-Yan production to
help improve the up and down distributions. These studies provide
practical illustrations of the many features of xFitter.

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