Mar 23 – 27, 2020
Brooklyn, NY
US/Eastern timezone

FCNC and EFT interpretations at CMS

Mar 24, 2020, 12:40 PM
Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY

333 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, USA
Contributed Talk Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model


Robert Schoefbeck (HEPHY)


Top quark production can probe physics beyond the SM in different ways. The Effective Field Theory (EFT) framework allows searching for BSM effects in a model independent way. CMS experiment is pioneering EFT measurements that move towards using full potential of the data in the most global way possible. Searches for flavour-changing neutral currents (FCNC) and anomalous top quark interactions are also being pursued in CMS which are complementary to the EFT approach. This talk reviews the current limits on FCNC searches in the top sector, and EFT interpretations.

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