Mar 23 – 27, 2020
Brooklyn, NY
US/Eastern timezone

Statistical combination of searches for the X(5568) state decaying into B_0^s π ^± .

Mar 24, 2020, 3:36 PM
Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY

333 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, USA
Contributed Talk QCD with Heavy Flavors and Hadronic Final States QCD with Heavy Flavors and Hadronic Final States


Paolo Iengo (CERN)


A statistical combination of the search results for the X(5568) resonance decaying into $B_s π$ is reported, based on published results from the ATLAS, CMS, CDF and LHCb Collaborations.
A narrow structure in the invariant mass distribution of $B^0_s π^±$ has been observed by the D0 Collaboration with a mass value of 5568 MeV but not confirmed by any of the latest searches from the other Collaborations.
CDF and the LHC experiments have set limits on $ρ_X$, the relative production rate of the X(5568) and $B^0_s$ states times the branching ratio for the $X(5568)\rightarrow B^0_s π^±$ decay.
By applying a statistical combination of limits set by the three LHC experiments, we derive a limit, at 95% Confidence Level, of $ρ_X$ < 0.92% for $p_T(B^0_s)$ > 10 GeV, and $ρ_X$ < 0.91% for $p_T(B^0_s )$ > 15 GeV, which represent the most stringent upper limits up to present.
The talk will review the experimental results from Tevatron and LHC, will describe the combination procedure and the obtained results. The effect of including the results from Tevatron experiments in the statistical combination will also be discussed.

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