Mar 23 – 27, 2020
Brooklyn, NY
US/Eastern timezone

The sign of the D-term in extremely unstable systems

Not scheduled
Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY

333 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, USA
Poster Poster Session Poster Session


Filip Bergabo (CUNY)


In theoretical and model studies so far the D-term D was always found
negative. The first insights from experiment indicate negative D-terms
for pion and proton. A proof that D < 0 was formulated based on classical
stability arguments. It is therefore interesting to ask whether it is possible
to encounter a positive D-term, if a physical system is unstable. This
question was addressed in the Q-cloud system, an extreme parametric
limit in which a stable soliton dissociates, delocalizes, and spreads out
over all space forming an infinitely dilute gas of free quanta. But even
in this system D < 0 was found. In this work we go a step further:
we show that the previously studied Q-cloud solution was a ground state
which has even more unstable excited states. We study the energy-momentum
tensor and other properties of these Q-cloud excitations, and show that their
D-terms are nevertheless consistently described, and negative --- despite the
extreme instability of this system. We present numerical results that support
our conclusions. We conjecture that stability is a necessary condition for D
to be negative, but not sufficient.

Primary authors

Filip Bergabo (CUNY) Dr Peter Schweitzer (Department of Physics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA)

Presentation materials

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