A luminosity monitor for the Electron Ion Collider

Not scheduled
Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY

333 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, USA
Poster Poster Session Poster Session


Jaroslav Adam (BNL)


Many EIC physics goals are based on precise measurements of absolute cross sections, for this a determination of the integrated luminosity is crucial. The design goal for the EIC is to have an uncertainty in the luminosity measurement of about 1%.
In this talk a first study of the EIC luminosity monitoring system will be presented.
The design is based on detecting Bethe-Heitler bremsstrahlung photons, emitted by the electron beam interacting with proton or nuclear beams.
The photons will be detected in a zero degree photon calorimeter and in a pair spectrometer for electron-positron pairs generated in photon conversions on an aluminum exit window in the photon beam.
The presentation will describe a dedicated event generator for bremsstrahlung photons, and a GEANT-4 model of the luminosity system and its performance characteristics will be shown.

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