Mar 23 – 27, 2020
Brooklyn, NY
US/Eastern timezone

Energy-momentum tensor, D-term and long-range forces: a case study in a classical model of the proton

Not scheduled
Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY

333 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, USA
Poster Poster Session Poster Session


Ms Mira Varma (University of Connecticut)


The prospects of accessing information on the hadronic form
factors of the energy-momentum tensor (EMT) have attracted
a lot of interest in literature. This concerns especially
the D-term form factor D(t) with its appealing interpretation
in terms of internal forces. With the focus on hadron structure,
so far theoretical and model studies concentrated on strongly
interacting systems with short-range forces. Not considered so
far were long-range forces like electromagnetic interaction, which
is thought to play a negligible role for the balance of forces inside
the proton. But the long-range nature of electromagnetic forces
introduces features that were not encountered before. We use a
case study in a classical model of the proton to show how the
presence of long-range forces alters some notions which can be
taken for granted in short-range systems. The important conclusion
is that a more careful definition of the D-term may be required
when long-range forces are present.

Primary authors

Ms Mira Varma (University of Connecticut) Dr Peter Schweitzer (University of Connecticut )

Presentation materials

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