Jan 13 – 17, 2020
US/Eastern timezone

Group photo

Photo will be taken in this event. If you prefer not to be shown in the photos, please let Jin Huang know.

Jan 13-17 Mon-Fri @ BNL, URL: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/7096/  

  • Everyone is welcomed and please do join.
  • Workfest will run from 9AM on Monday to 3PM on Friday
  • We’ll end on Friday with reports from working groups and collaboration/project news and an IB meeting. We may want to have the IB meeting in the morning (to allow the new Asian institutions to present at a reasonable time, i.e., not 3AM)
  • We’ll have a short general status talk Monday AM, to be continued with topical tutorials organized by the various groups
    • Main activity for the week will be meetings/working sessions with the ALICE/CERN attendees on tracking, TPC distortion simulations and corrections (as one group, not separated into tracking and calibration)
    • Activities/sessions organized by topical groups and computing task force

Pre-workfest tutorial

On Wed 8 Jan 2020 2-5PM, we are organizing a BlueJeans-based software tutorial. The goal is to get everyone up to speed with the basics on using the sPHENIX software, so that we can get onto higher level tasks and discussions on day-1 of the workfest. Welcome to join us for anyone who are new to the sPHENIX software universe: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/7254/  . The session will be recorded for future reference too.


Connection information

Plenary sessions: https://bluejeans.com/619960505 

Track-1 working session: tracking/TPC calibration: https://bluejeans.com/619960505 

Track-2 working session: topical groups : https://bluejeans.com/397112973


To join via Browser: https://bluejeans.com/

To join via Phone:

1) Dial:
+1.888.240.2560(US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253(Alternate number)
(see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)

2) Enter Conference ID: 619960505

Berkner Hall A&B&C
Registration for this event is currently open.