We have two general tracks as below in two rooms for Monday-Thu. There will also be tutorial on Monday too.
Here, topics and their coordinators are listed. If you are interested to work on any of these topics, please contact its coordinators.
Tracking/TPC calibration - Berkner C
Track-1Coordination: Tony Frawley, Christof Roland
- Tracking development, geometry implementation
- Seeding - cellular automaton
- Kalman propagation: simplified Kalman filter
- ACTS for full track fitting
- TPC space charge distortion
- Tracking calibration and infrastructure
- Outer detector studies
- Data compression, DST format, analysis format, DB integration
- MVTX Vertexing
- KF particle
- Tracking QA module
- Tracking development, geometry implementation
Topical groups - - Berkner A & B
Track-2Topics and coordinators
- Jet and photon reconstruction: Rosi Reed, Dennis Perepelitsa
- HF reconstruction: Dong Xin, Jin Huang
- Calorimeter calibration: Justin Frantz
- Offline event builder: Chris Pinkenburg, Martin Purschke
- Computing plan update: Ron Soltz