sPHENIX Software Mega-workfest

Berkner Hall A&B&C (BNL)

Berkner Hall A&B&C


Anthony Frawley (Florida State University), Chris Pinkenburg (BNL), Christof Roland (MIT), Gunther Roland (MIT), Jin Huang (Brookhaven National Lab), Ron Soltz (LLNL), Takao Sakaguchi (BNL)

Group photo

Photo will be taken in this event. If you prefer not to be shown in the photos, please let Jin Huang know.

Jan 13-17 Mon-Fri @ BNL, URL: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/7096/  

  • Everyone is welcomed and please do join.
  • Workfest will run from 9AM on Monday to 3PM on Friday
  • We’ll end on Friday with reports from working groups and collaboration/project news and an IB meeting. We may want to have the IB meeting in the morning (to allow the new Asian institutions to present at a reasonable time, i.e., not 3AM)
  • We’ll have a short general status talk Monday AM, to be continued with topical tutorials organized by the various groups
    • Main activity for the week will be meetings/working sessions with the ALICE/CERN attendees on tracking, TPC distortion simulations and corrections (as one group, not separated into tracking and calibration)
    • Activities/sessions organized by topical groups and computing task force

Pre-workfest tutorial

On Wed 8 Jan 2020 2-5PM, we are organizing a BlueJeans-based software tutorial. The goal is to get everyone up to speed with the basics on using the sPHENIX software, so that we can get onto higher level tasks and discussions on day-1 of the workfest. Welcome to join us for anyone who are new to the sPHENIX software universe: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/7254/  . The session will be recorded for future reference too.


Connection information

Plenary sessions: https://bluejeans.com/619960505 

Track-1 working session: tracking/TPC calibration: https://bluejeans.com/619960505 

Track-2 working session: topical groups : https://bluejeans.com/397112973


To join via Browser: https://bluejeans.com/

To join via Phone:

1) Dial:
+1.888.240.2560(US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253(Alternate number)
(see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)

2) Enter Conference ID: 619960505

  • Alexander Bazilevsky
  • Anthony Frawley
  • Bing Xia
  • Cameron Dean
  • Chris Pinkenburg
  • Christof R
  • David Adams
  • David Morrison
  • David Rohr
  • Dmitri Smirnov
  • Dmitry Arkhipkin
  • Eric Mannel
  • Ernst Hellbär
  • Ethan Cline
  • Gabor David
  • Henry Klest
  • Hugo Pereira Da Costa
  • Ivan Kisel
  • Jan Bernauer
  • Jens Wiechula
  • Jin Huang
  • Joe Osborn
  • John Haggerty
  • Justin Frantz
  • Kwangmin Yu
  • Martin Purschke
  • Maxim Potekhin
  • Megan Connors
  • Meifeng Lin
  • Michael Peters
  • Ming Liu
  • Mingqian Chen
  • Molly Taylor
  • Nathan Grau
  • Peter Steinberg
  • Ron Soltz
  • Rosi Reed
  • Ross Corliss
  • Sanghoon Lim
  • Stacyann Nelson
  • Takao Sakaguchi
  • Thomas Limoges
  • Torre Wenaus
  • Veronica Canoa Roman
  • Veronica Verkest
  • Vitalii Okorokov
  • Yasser Corrales Morales
  • Yuanjing Ji
  • Zhaozhong Shi
    • 8:50 AM 9:00 AM
      Tutorials: Jan 8 2-5PM: Remote tutorial on basics, https://indico.bnl.gov/event/7254/ BlueJeans


    • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Plenary: Opening session Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Remote connection: https://bluejeans.com/619960505

    • 10:30 AM 11:00 AM
      Break 30m Berkner Hall A&B&C

      Berkner Hall A&B&C


    • 10:30 AM 10:45 AM
      Group Photo 15m Berkner Hall A&B&C

      Berkner Hall A&B&C


    • 11:00 AM 12:30 PM
      Track-1 working session: tracking/TPC calibration: Day-1 Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Contact: Tony Frawley, Christof Roland

      • 11:00 AM
        sPhenix Tracking 30m

        Discuss schedule of tracking work.

        Speakers: Anthony Frawley (Florida State University), Christof Roland (MIT)
      • 11:30 AM
        ACTS Introduction and discussion 1h
        Speaker: Dr Andreas Salzburger
    • 11:00 AM 6:00 PM
      Track-2 working session: topical groups: Day-1 Berkner Hall C

      Berkner Hall C


      Physics working groups, computing

    • 2:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Track-1 working session: tracking/TPC calibration: Day-1 Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Contact: Tony Frawley, Christof Roland

    • 9:00 AM 9:30 AM
      Plenary: Day-2 lay of the land Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Remote connection: https://bluejeans.com/619960505

      • 9:00 AM
        Tracking tasks 30m
        Speakers: Anthony Frawley (Florida State University), Christof Roland (MIT)
    • 9:30 AM 5:30 PM
      Track-1 working session: tracking/TPC calibration: Day-2 Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Contact: Tony Frawley, Christof Roland

    • 9:30 AM 5:30 PM
      Track-2 working session: topical groups: Day-2 Berkner Hall C

      Berkner Hall C


      Physics working groups, computing

    • 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Study of nuclear effects in small collision systems connecting proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions 1h Small Seminar Room (Physics Building 510)

      Small Seminar Room

      Physics Building 510

      BNL Nuclear Physics Seminar, Small Seminar Room @ Physics Building

      The main purpose of relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments is to understand Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) which is very hot and dense QCD matters produced in heavy-ion collisions. Early results from RHIC such as jet quenching and elliptic flow are supported for the formation of the QGP. In order to fully understand the properties of the QGP, it is very important to understand initial conditions before the QGP formation. Proton(deuteron)-ion collision is a control experiment to explore this kind of effects from intrinsic nucleus so called cold-nuclear-matter (CNM) effects such as modification of parton distributions, energy loss, multiple scattering, and break-up of quarkonia states. Another striking results recently observed in small systems are long-range correlations which were believed as one of properties of the QGP. Now, the studies in small systems receives much more attention than that as a control experiment of heavy-ion collisions. I will introduce the interesting results in small collision systems as well as what we can learn from the expected measurements in the future.

      Speaker: Sanghoon Lim (University of Colorado Boulder)
    • 9:00 AM 9:30 AM
      Plenary: Day-3 Introduction to BNL CSI Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Remote connection: https://bluejeans.com/619960505

      • 9:00 AM
        Introduction to BNL Computational Science Initiative 30m
        Speakers: Meifeng Lin (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Meifeng Lin (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 9:30 AM 5:15 PM
      Track-1 working session: tracking/TPC calibration: Day-3 Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Contact: Tony Frawley, Christof Roland

      • 9:30 AM
        ACTS Questions and Answers Session 2h 30m
      • 2:00 PM
        Further discussion/work 3h


    • 9:30 AM 5:15 PM
      Track-2 working session: topical groups: Day-3 Berkner Hall C

      Berkner Hall C


      Physics working groups, computing

      • 9:30 AM
        Lab tour: TPC and EMCal labs 1h
        Speakers: Bob Azmoun (Brookhaven National Laboratory), John Haggerty (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 2:00 PM 3:30 PM
      Plenary: Calibration infrastructure discussion Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Remote connection: https://bluejeans.com/619960505

    • 5:15 PM 5:45 PM
      Plenary: Daily summary Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Remote connection: https://bluejeans.com/619960505

      Convener: Chris Pinkenburg (BNL)
    • 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
      Plenary: Day-4 lay of the land Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Remote connection: https://bluejeans.com/619960505

    • 10:00 AM 5:10 PM
      Track-1 working session: tracking/TPC calibration: Day-4 Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Contact: Tony Frawley, Christof Roland

    • 10:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Track-2 working session: topical groups: Day-4 Berkner Hall C

      Berkner Hall C


      Physics working groups, computing

    • 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
      Lab tour: TPC and EMCal labs 1h Berkner Hall A&B&C

      Berkner Hall A&B&C


      We walk from conference room to Physics building labs after lunch

      Speakers: Bob Azmoun (Brookhaven National Laboratory), David Morrison (BNL), John Haggerty (Brookhaven National Laboratory), John Kuczewski (BNL), Takao Sakaguchi (BNL)
    • 1:30 PM 5:00 PM
      Track-2 working session: topical groups: Day-4 Calorimeter calibration focus discussion Berkner C

      Berkner C

      bluejeans.com/frantz/ (id # 588 625 3879 (e.g. https://bluejeans.com/5886253879/webrtc))

      Physics working groups, computing

      Conveners: Christof Roland (MIT), Justin Frantz (Ohio University), Megan Connors (Georgia State University RBRC), Takao Sakaguchi (BNL)
    • 5:15 PM 5:45 PM
      Plenary: Daily summary Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Remote connection: https://bluejeans.com/619960505

    • 9:00 AM 11:30 AM
      IB Meeting: IB Berkner B

      Berkner B

    • 11:30 AM 2:10 PM
      Plenary: Workfest summary Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Remote connection: https://bluejeans.com/619960505

    • 2:10 PM 5:10 PM
      Plenary: Further workfest discussions Berkner Hall B

      Berkner Hall B


      Remote connection: https://bluejeans.com/619960505