Oct 11 – 17, 2022
Dao House, Estes Park, Colorado, USA
US/Mountain timezone

Update: The new deadline to submit proceedings is January 23rd, 2024. 

The 9th edition of the Workshop for Young Scientists on the Physics of Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Hot Quarks 2022) will be held at the in person, at the Dao House Retreat Center in Estes Park, Colorado, USA. The aim of this workshop is to enhance the direct exchange of scientific information among the younger members of the Relativistic Heavy Ion community; from both experimental and theoretical backgrounds. It offers a unique opportunity for early career scientists to present and discuss their work extensively. Those interested in attending are highly encouraged to submit an abstract and pre-register, and if the abstract is accepted, they will be invited to join the workshop.

The topics that will be addressed include:

  • QCD at high temperature/density and lattice QCD

  • Early time dynamics and the initial state

  • Relativistic hydrodynamics and collective phenomena

  • Correlations and fluctuations

  • Jets in the vacuum and in the medium

  • Baryon and strangeness production

  • Heavy flavor, dileptons and photons

  • Applications of the AdS/CFT correspondence to the quark-gluon plasma

  • Experimental techniques and future programs

There will be two prizes this year for the best experimental and theory talks. The AM award will be given to the best experimental talk, and the KKG award will be given to the best theory talk. These awards are dedicated to the memories of Andre Mischke and Klaus Kinder Geiger.


The Hot Quarks 2022 organizing committee