12–16 Apr 2021
Stony Brook, NY
US/Eastern timezone

Rare two-body decays of the top quark into a bottom meson plus an up or charm quark

15 Apr 2021, 08:41
Virtual (Stony Brook, NY)


Stony Brook, NY

Contributed Talk QCD with Heavy Flavors and Hadronic Final States QCD with Heavy Flavors and Hadronic Final States


David d'Enterria (CERN)


Rare two-body decays of the top quark into a neutral bottom-quark meson plus an up- or charm-quark: tB0+u,c; tBs0+c,u; and tΥ(nS)+c,u, are studied for the first time. The corresponding partials widths are computed at leading order in the non-relativistic QCD framework. The sums of all two-body branching ratios amount to B(tB0+jet)B(tBs0+jet)4.2105 and B(tΥ(nS)+jet)2109, respectively. The feasibility to observe the tB(s)0+jet decay is estimated in top-pair events produced in proton-proton collisions at s=14,100 TeV at the LHC and FCC, respectively. Combining many exclusive hadronic B(s)0 decays, with J/ψ or D0,± final states, about 50 (16\,000) events are expected in 3 (20) ab1 of integrated luminosity at the LHC (FCC), after ty
pical selection criteria, acceptance, and efficiency losses. An observation of the two-body top-quark decay can also be achieved in the interesting tb(jet)+c(jet) dijet final state, where t
he B(s)0 decay products are reconstructed as a jet, with 5\,300 and 1.4 million signal events above backgrounds expected after selection criteria at the LHC and FCC, respectively. Such unique final states provide a new direct method to precisely measure the top-quark mass via simple 2-body invariant mass analyses.

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