Apr 12 – 16, 2021
Stony Brook, NY
US/Eastern timezone

Guido Altarelli Award 2021

The Guido Altarelli Award honours the memory of the late Guido Altarelli, one of the founding fathers of QCD, an outstanding communicator of particle physics, and a mentor and strong supporter of Junior Scientists. The Guido Altarelli Award consists of a certificate and prize money. It is awarded to Junior Scientists for outstanding scientific contributions to the fields covered by the DIS Conference series.

The 2021 Guido Altarelli Award will be presented during the DIS 2021 conference, which will take place in Stony Brook, NY, USA, in the week 12-16 April 2021.

Candidates for the prize should have a maximum of eight years of research experience (excluding career interruptions) following the PhD, at the first day of the conference. The selection is the task of the Selection Committee, which consists of experimental and theoretical particle physicists, and a Chair, who are nominated by the Chair of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the DIS Conference in consultation with its members.

Nominations should be sent to Elisabetta Gallo, Chair of the Selection Committee, elisabetta.gallo@desy.de, including:

  • a letter of support for the candidate by the nominating person. The letter should state the original and exceptional contributions of the candidate in the fields of DIS or related subjects, and end with a suggested text with the motivation why the award should be given to the candidate;
  • the curriculum vitae of the candidate;
  • a list of 3-5 publications in the last eight years, related to the subject of the DIS conference, to which the candidate has given significant contributions;
  • the names of two colleagues, who could provide additional information on the candidate.

Self-nominations are not allowed. All applications should be sent by December 20th , 2020.

For more info: https://www.desy.de/~gallo/AltarelliAward/


The Guido Altarelli Award 2021 is sponsored by: