12–16 Apr 2021
Stony Brook, NY
US/Eastern timezone

Measurement of target spin (in)dependent asymmetries in dimuon production in pion-nucleon collisions at COMPASS

13 Apr 2021, 12:20
Virtual (Stony Brook, NY)


Stony Brook, NY

Contributed Talk Spin Physics Spin Physics


Mr Yu-Hsiang Lien (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)


The exploration of the transverse spin structure of the nucleon by measuring the transverse-spin-dependent azimuthal asymmetries in Drell-Yan process is one of the main topics of the phase-II research programme of the COMPASS experiment (CERN, SPS-M2 beamline).

In 2015 and 2018 the experiment performed Drell-Yan measurements using a 190 GeV π beam interacting with a transversely polarized NH3 target and unpolarized tungsten material. The angular coefficients \lambda, \mu and \nu that describe the unpolarized part of the Drell-Yan cross section have been extracted from the data collected with tungsten target. Obtained results provide important information to study various perturbative and non-perturbative QCD effects. Performed polarized measurements of the Sivers and other transverse azimuthal asymmetries in Drell-Yan provide a unique possibility to test predicted in QCD (pseudo-)universal features of related transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions.

In this talk recent preliminary results from the COMPASS Drell-Yan programme will be presented together with related measurements from other experiments and available model predictions.

Primary author

Mr Yu-Hsiang Lien (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)


Alexandr Chumakov (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)

Presentation materials