Measurement of splittings along a jet shower in $\sqrt{s} = 200$ GeV $pp$ collisions at STAR

14 Apr 2021, 10:00
Virtual (Stony Brook, NY)


Stony Brook, NY

Contributed Talk QCD with Heavy Flavors and Hadronic Final States QCD with Heavy Flavors and Hadronic Final States


Dr Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli (Yale University and BNL)


Jets are algorithmic proxies of hard scattered partons, i.e. quarks/gluons, in high energy collisions. Current jet measurements utilize algorithms that cluster objects, either particles from an event generator or charged tracks/calorimeter towers in experiments, iteratively depending on the distance between objects and a momentum threshold. These clustering algorithms contain additional information regarding the jet shower that has been exploited in vacuum, i.e. in $pp$ collisions, via the SoftDrop algorithm to provide a handle on the jet shower via its splitting. The STAR collaboration has recently measured jet sub-structure observables in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 200$ GeV including the jet mass ($M$), SoftDrop groomed jet mass ($M_{g}$), groomed jet radius ($R_{g}$) and shared momentum fraction ($z_{g}$) for jets with varying jet radius and momentum. To further explore the jet sub-structure, we present the first measurement of the jet shower at the first, second and third splits via the iterative SoftDrop procedure. For each of these splits, we measure the fully corrected $z_{g}$ and $R_{g}$. We also showcase virtuality evolution in both the angular and momentum scales in data. These recursive measurements of the jet shower allow us to test the self-similarity of the DGLAP splitting function. The relatively low jet transverse momenta at RHIC energies, compared to those at the LHC, implies we are less sensitive to next-to-leading order effects on the jets themselves, but the corrections due to non-perturbative effects end up quite significant especially as we probe further along the jet shower history. We compare our measurements to current state-of-the-art Monte Carlo models, providing stringent constraints on model parameters related to the shower and non-perturbative effects such as hadronization. These measurements serve as a first step towards identifying and tagging jets based on their shower characteristics.

Primary author

Dr Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli (Yale University and BNL)

Presentation materials