Gevorg Nazaryan
(A. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory)
The predicted high sensitivity of the nuclear modification factor for $K^{-}$ in
SIDIS due to the QCD based effect of medium-induced flavour conversion in the fragmentation function is studied at the HERMES experiment. Unlike $\pi^{+}$, $\pi^{-}$ and $K^{+}$, nuclear modification factor for $K^{-}$ is expected to increase at high values of the Bjorken variable $x_B$ and hadron fractional energy $z$. The experimental signature of this phenomenon is an enhanced $K^{-}$ nuclear modification factor compared with those of $K^{+}$ for the high $x_{B}$ and $z$ range. The $z$ spectra of nuclear attenuation ratios for charged kaons in different slices of $x_{B}$ extracted on Ne, Kr and Xe targets will be presented and discussed.
Primary author
Gevorg Nazaryan
(A. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory)