Pre-recorded 3min talk with one-on-one discussion session via Gather Town
Liquid argon (LAr) sampling calorimeters are employed by ATLAS for all electromagnetic calorimetry in the pseudo-rapidity region |η| < 3.2, and for hadronic and forward calorimetry in the region from |η| = 1.5 to |η| = 4.9. In the first LHC run a total luminosity of 27 fb−1 has been collected at center-of-mass energies of 7-8 TeV. After detector consolidation during a long shutdown, Run-2...
The sPHENIX detector at BNL’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) will enable a spectrum of new or improved cold QCD measurements. With its excellent tracking and full calorimetry (hadronic and electromagnetic) in the central pseudo-rapidity region, sPHENIX provides excellent opportunities for the studies of the partonic structure and dynamics in nucleons and nuclei, and hadronizaton...
To meet new TDAQ buffering requirements and withstand the high expected radiation doses at the high-luminosity LHC, the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter readout electronics will be upgraded. The triangular calorimeter signals are amplified and shaped by analogue electronics over a dynamic range of 16 bits, with low noise and excellent linearity. Developments of low-power preamplifiers and...
In high energy electron-ion colliders, a new way to probe nucleon structure becomes available through diffractive reactions, where the incident particle produces a very energetic almost forward particle. QCD describes these reactions as due to the exchange of a Pomeron which may be perturbatively described as a dressed two-gluon state, provided a hard scale allows the factorization of the...
Construction of linear collider (or dedicated e-linac) or muon collider (or dedicated μ-ring) tangential to energy frontier hadron colliders will give opportunity to investigate lepton-hadron and photon-hadron interactions at tens-TeV center-of-mass energies. These lepton-hadron and photon-hadron colliders will essentially enlarge physics search potential of the hadron collider's host...
We analyze the entanglement in the context of high energy QCD. First, in order to provide a firm connection to experimental observables, we define the “entropy of ignorance” which quantifies the entropy associated with ability to perform only a partial set of measurement on a quantum system. For the parton model the entropy of ignorance is equal to the Boltzmann entropy of a classical system...
The Colour Glass Condensate effective field theory is a useful framework for studying heavy ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies. In this framework, we study the rapidity evolution of Wilson lines that appear explicitly in cross section expressions. The next-to-leading order BK (Balitsky-Kovchegov) equation for the 2-point Wilson line correlator involves 6-point correlators of Wilson...
Using the CGC effective theory together with the hybrid factorisation, we study forward dijet production in proton-nucleus collisions beyond leading order. In this paper, we compute the "real" next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections, i.e. the radiative corrections associated with a three-parton final state, out of which only two are being measured. To that aim, we start by revisiting our...
The Drell-Yan hadronic tensor for electromagnetic (EM) current in the Sudakov region $s\gg Q^2\gg q_\perp^2$ is obtained
with ${1\over Q^2}$ accuracy.
In the leading order in $N_c$ the higher-twist quark-quark-gluon TMDs reduce to
leading-twist TMDs due to QCD equation of motion. The resulting tensor for unpolarized hadrons is
EM gauge-invariant and depends on two leading-twist TMDs:...
The leading order result of single inclusive soft gluon production in high energy pA collisions has been calculated by various approaches for more than two decades . The first saturation correction to the leading order result, terms that are enhanced by $\alpha_s^2A^{1/3}$ with $\alpha_s$ the strong coupling constant and $A$ the atomic number of nucleus, was only analytically attempted...
The Electron-Ion Collider will be the first collider to use both polarized electron beams and polarized proton and light ion beams. This will offer unique opportunities to study the structure of protons and nuclei and to answer fundamental questions in QCD.
The uncertainties on the polarization measurement translate directly into the uncertainties of final physics observables. Hence, a...
The small-x evolution equation for the quark and gluon helicity distribution have been recently written in the framework of the Jalilian-Marian—Iancu—McLerran—Weigert—Leonidov—Kovner (JIMWLK) functional evolution equation. Those equations will be useful for numerical evaluation to estimate the asymptotic behaviors beyond previously known result in the large Nc-limit. This will give us some new...
Using the standard BFKL approach, with partial inclusion of next-to-leading order effects, we proposed the inclusive hadroproduction of a Higgs boson and of a jet, featuring large transverse momenta and well separated in rapidity, as a new channel to probe the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) dynamics. predictions are presented for cross-sections and azimuthal angle correlations in...
Jets of collimated particles arising from hard scattered partons have been studied extensively in high energy collisions. Jets serve a multitude of purposes as they are utilized in fundamental studies of the Standard Model (SM), in searches for new particles and also towards understanding jet-medium interactions in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Jet evolution in the presence of either a...
We discuss the impact of heavy-flavor production data on the CT18 PDFs family.
In particular, we discuss the impact on the CT18 global analysis of the latest charm and bottom production measurements from the H1 and ZEUS collaborations and the differential top-quark pair production cross section measurements from CMS and ATLAS.
We discuss tensions and interplays between heavy-quark...
Many EIC physics goals are based on precise measurements of absolute
cross sections, for this a determination of the integrated luminosity
is crucial. The design goal for the EIC is to have an uncertainty
in the luminosity measurement of about 1%.
In this talk a first study of the EIC luminosity monitoring system will be presented.
The design is based on detecting Bethe-Heitler...
The predicted high sensitivity of the nuclear modification factor for $K^{-}$ in
SIDIS due to the QCD based effect of medium-induced flavour conversion in the fragmentation function is studied at the HERMES experiment. Unlike $\pi^{+}$, $\pi^{-}$ and $K^{+}$, nuclear modification factor for $K^{-}$ is expected to increase at high values of the Bjorken variable $x_B$ and hadron fractional...
We develop a non-perturbative model for valence PDFs based on the quark interactions in the mean field of the nucleonic interior. The model is based on the separation of three valence quarks from the residual nucleon system which is the source of the mean field. The PDFs are calculated within effective light-front diagrammatic approach which allows to introduce light-front valence quark and...
Di-hadron angular correlations are a sensitive probe of the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) at the Electron Ion Collider, and higher order corrections are needed for a quantitative analysis. Here we present our preliminary results for the calculation of next to leading order corrections to di-hadron production in Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) at small Bjorken x. We model the target nucleus as a...
We present the in-medium modification of pentaquark , $\Theta^+$, using chiral SU(3) hadronic mean field model in hot and dense asymmetric nuclear matter. The in-medium properties of hadrons within the chiral model are investigated through the modification of scalar fields $\sigma$, $\zeta$ and $\delta$ and the vector fields $\omega$ and $\rho$. The effects of finite temperature and density...
Describing hadronic structure in terms of its constituent partonic degrees of
freedom remains an open subject. On the theoretical side, GPDs and TMDs are
expected to play a central role drawing three-dimensional images of hadrons.
Thus high priority is being given to experiments that can yield data which may
be interpretable in terms of these quantities. Among all possibilities, that...
In this talk, we present a model-independent calculation of the $x$-dependence of pion valence PDF with the large-momentum effective theory approach. In this calculation we adopt the most up-to-date theoretical developments on the systematic corrections, which include the hybrid renormalization scheme that rigorously renormalizes the lattice matrix elements at both short and long distances, as...
We study the geometrical fluctuations of proton substructure using incoherent diffractive processes at HERA and show that the gluon density fluctuations inside the proton exists at very small length scales r $\sim$ 0.07 fm. A good description of $J/\psi$ incoherent data at large momentum transfer is obtained on taking into account these fluctuations in event-by-event fluctuations. The...
We study production of three isolated photons at the energy of Large Hadron Collider [1] in the Parton Reggeization Approach [2,3], which is based on high-energy factorization, Lipatov effective theory [4] and new unintegrated PDFs, obtained in modified multi-Regge kinematics approximation for QCD scattering amplitudes [5]. It is shown that data from ATLAS Collaboration can be described after...
We present predictions for the distribution of rapidity gaps in realistic kinematics of future electron-ion colliders, based on numerical solutions of the original Kovchegov-Levin equation and of its next-to-leading extension taking into account the running of the strong coupling. We find that for the rapidities we have considered, the fixed and the running coupling equations lead to different...
In this talk we will describe a parallel between phenomenological and symmetry-based descriptions of the process dependence of the Time-reversal-odd phenomena in QCD, such as the Sivers effect, with the goal of defining the essential elements that lead to such process dependence in QCD. With the necessary elements clarified across these two complementary descriptions, this will then serve as...
In the present work, we investigate the transverse momentum dependent quark-gluon–quark correlation function by using the light-front quark-diquark model. We calculate the time-reversal-odd interaction-dependent twist-3 parton distributions.
We describe the performance of the ATLAS Forward Proton Time-of-Flight detector (ToF) in Run 2 and the upgrades made to the ToF for operation in Run 3. We describe test beam results and picosecond laser test results and the expected operational parameters and performance of the new ToF in Run 3.
ATLAS is preparing for the HL-LHC upgrade, where integrated and instantaneous luminosity will reach unprecedented values. For this, an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) is under development with a pixel detector surrounded by a strip detector. The strip system consists of 4 barrel layers and 6 endcap disks. After completion of FDRs in key areas, such as Sensors, Modules, Front-End electronics...
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is a sampling hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment. TileCal uses steel as absorber and plastic scintillators as active medium. The scintillators are read-out by the wavelength shifting fibres coupled to the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The analogue signals from the PMTs are amplified, shaped, digitized by sampling the signal...
We investigate the tomographical structure of pion and kaon in light cone quark model (LCQM). In particular, we study the parton distribution amplitude (PDA) of pion and kaon. We obtain the parton distribution function (PDF) and the generalized parton distributions (GPDs) of the pion and kaon. The valence quark PDA and PDF of pion, after QCD evolution, are found to be consistent with the data...
One of the important goals at the future $e^+e^-$ colliders is to measure the top-quark mass and width in a scan of the pair production threshold. However, the shape of the pair-production cross section at the threshold depends also on other model parameters, as the top Yukawa coupling, and the measurement is a subject to many systematic uncertainties. Presented in this work is the most...
The NLO corrections to DIS-like process, initiated by gauge-invariant operator tr[G_{mu nu}G^{mu nu}] (Where G_{mu nu} is field-strength tensor of QCD) had been studied in Refs. [1,2], including one-loop and real-emission NLO corrections. This "Higgs-initiated DIS" process is a simplest small-x physics process for which it is most convenient to study problem of convergence of perturbative...
We explain possible transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution functions (TMDs) for spin-1 hadrons up to twist 4 by decomposing a quark correlation function with the conditions of the Hermiticity and parity invariance [1]. In the TMDs, there exist time-reversal-odd functions in addition to the time-reversal-even ones. We showed that 40 TMDs exist in the tensor-polarized spin-1 hadron in...