WSMON3: Cryo-EM at LBMS: Protein Structures, Protein-protein and Protein-cell Interactions

Virtual Workshop (Zoom link will be provided)

Virtual Workshop

Zoom link will be provided


Cryo-EM has become a widely used structure determination technique and the highest achieved resolution is 1.2 Angstrom where individual atoms can be resolved. To provide free access to cryo-EM instruments for biological applications, Brookhaven National Laboratory established a new national cryo-EM center: the Laboratory for Biomolecular Structure (LBMS). To introduce cryo-EM technique and LBMS to broad scientific communities, we organize this workshop. The goal is to bring together leading researchers to share their experience and strategies to deal with two common bottlenecks in cryo-EM: the sample preparation and the data processing. A live discussion, further development of the methods, and more collaborations are expected.

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    • Session Chair: Dongyan Tan (Stony Brook University)
      • 1
        Welcoming remarks
        Speaker: Sean McSweeney (LBMS)
      • 2
        Overviews of LBMS
        Speaker: Liguo Wang (LBMS)
      • 3
        Application and fabrication of mono-layer graphene grids in cryo-EM
        Speaker: Xiao Fan (Princeton University)
      • 4
        Time-resolved cryoEM using Spotiton: a new take on a classic experiment
        Speaker: Chase Budell (NYSBC)
      • 5
        Simple and robust methods for high-speed cryoEM specimen preparation
        Speaker: John Rubinstein (University of Toronto)
      • 12:00
        Lunch break
    • Session Chair: Yong Xiong (Yale University)
      • 6
        Opening windows into the cell: bringing structure to sell biology using cryo-Electron Tomography
        Speaker: Elizabeth Villa (UCSD)
      • 7
        Cryo-ET data collection with SerialEM
        Speaker: Jun Liu (Yale University)
      • 8
        Don't throw away your data! Topaz deep learning particle picking results in more complete cryoEM structures
        Speaker: Alex Noble (NYSBC)
      • 9
        Improving SPA data processing pipeline by skipping 2D classification
        Speaker: Farzad Jalali-Yazdi (Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
      • 10
        Discussion with LBMS personnel and speakers
        Speaker: Qun Liu (BNL)
      • 15:30
      • 11
        Demo: single particle data collection using EPU
        Speaker: Guobin Hu (LBMS)