- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Conveners briefly update with news, comments and new directions from the Steering Committee (if any).
Updates from the main efforts with details about the progress in the activity. Please, be short and prepare a few (maximum three) slides focusing on what has been achieved since the last meeting.
Advice on design, simulation, performance issues
Simulation & performance studies
simulation & performance studies, design, cost estimate etc.
R&D on SiPM as an option for the readout of the forward RICH
mechanical studies and simulations for a pressurised argon vessel for the forward gas RICH
R&D on LAPPD detectors must not be forgotten
This is time devoted to a longer discussion with a presentation of work done or to be done, if there is any and if there is the need for that.
In case there is any other business to discuss, we can take it here. If discussion takes longer than 5 minutes, it means that it needs a proper space and will be point for next week.