Oct 10 – 14, 2022
William & Mary, Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Alan B. Miller Hall
US/Eastern timezone
Artificial Intelligence for the Electron Ion Collider

ML application for beam optics control in the LHC

Oct 10, 2022, 4:00 PM
room 1019 (William & Mary, Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Alan B. Miller Hall )

room 1019

William & Mary, Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Alan B. Miller Hall

101 Ukrop Way, Williamsburg, VA 23185


Elena Fol (CERN)


Particle accelerator optimization problems deal with non-linear,
multi-objective functions which depend on thousands of time-varying machine components and settings. These properties often meet the limitations of traditional optimization methods and make this problem a perfect candidate for
application of ML-based techniques. In this talk I will present, how ML can improve the control of the beams on the example of the LHC and give a short outlook on the ML application to accelerator design. Main focus of the presentation will be the application of decision tree - based methods to instrumentation faults detection, reconstruction and correction of magnet
errors, and supervised learning for virtual diagnostics, which enables to obtain accurate information of beam properties without time-costly measurements.

Presentation materials