10–14 Oct 2022
William & Mary, Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Alan B. Miller Hall
US/Eastern timezone
Artificial Intelligence for the Electron Ion Collider


Reconstruction and Particle Identification

12 Oct 2022, 10:00
room 1019 (William & Mary, Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Alan B. Miller Hall )

room 1019

William & Mary, Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Alan B. Miller Hall

101 Ukrop Way, Williamsburg, VA 23185


Reconstruction and Particle Identification

  • Anselm Vossen (member@duke.edu;faculty@duke.edu)
  • Sadhana Dash
  • Rachel Montgomery

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Daniel Whiteson (UC Irvine)
12/10/2022, 10:00
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli (Vanderbilt University)
12/10/2022, 10:30
William Phelps (Christopher Newport University/Jefferson Lab)
12/10/2022, 11:00
Corentin Allaire (IJCLAB)
12/10/2022, 11:28
Chao Peng (Argonne National Laboratory)
12/10/2022, 11:48
Matthew McEneaney (Duke)
12/10/2022, 12:06
Nathan Branson (Messiah U.)
12/10/2022, 12:24
James Giroux (U. Regina)
12/10/2022, 12:42
Building timetable...