21–23 Jun 2023
Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Transverse Λ polarization in e+e annihilation and SIDIS processes within a TMD framework

21 Jun 2023, 17:00
Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, Stony Brook University

Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, Stony Brook University

Department of Physics and Astronomy Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800


Prof. Umberto D'Alesio (University and INFN Cagliari)


We present an updated analysis of Belle data for the transverse Λ polarization in e+e annihilation processes within a TMD factorization approach. SU(2) isospin symmetry and charm quark contribution, with their impact on the description of the experimental data as well as on the extraction of the polarizing fragmentation functions, will be discussed.
Predictions for SIDIS processes within different scenarios, at typical energies of the future EIC, will be presented.

Primary author

Prof. Umberto D'Alesio (University and INFN Cagliari)


Leonard Gamberg (Penn State) Francesco Murgia (INFN Cagliari, Italy) Marco Zaccheddu (Università degli studi di Cagliari & INFN)

Presentation materials