November 28, 2023 to December 1, 2023
Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.
US/Eastern timezone
Artificial Intelligence for the Electron Ion Collider

ML-based Calibration and Control of the GlueX Central Drift Chamber


David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab)


The GlueX Central Drift Chamber (CDC) in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, used for detecting and tracking charged particles, is calibrated and controlled \textit{during} data taking using a Gaussian process. The system dynamically adjusts the high voltage applied to the anode wires inside the chamber in response to changing environmental and experimental conditions such that the gain is stabilized. Control policies have been established to manage the CDC's behavior. These policies are activated when the model's uncertainty exceeds a configurable threshold or during human-initiated tests during normal production running. We demonstrate the system reduces the time detector experts dedicate to calibration of the data offline, leading to a marked decrease in computing resource usage without compromising detector performance.

Primary authors

David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab) Diana McSpadden (Jefferson Lab) Torri Jeske (Jefferson Lab) Dr Michael Goodrich (Jefferson Lab) Dr Naomi Jarvis (Carnegie Mellon University) Thomas Britton (JLAB)

Presentation materials