November 28, 2023 to December 1, 2023
Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.
US/Eastern timezone
Artificial Intelligence for the Electron Ion Collider

JINST Proceedings AI4EIC2023

Dear Contributor,

The proceedings for the “3rd Artificial Intelligence for the Electron Ion Collider workshop - AI4EIC2023” held on November 28 - December 1, 2023 will be published in the Proceedings Section of JINST, Journal of Instrumentation.  

Manuscripts should be preferably prepared in LaTeX in one of the following ways: 

Kindly note that the number of pages should not exceed 8 pages (excluding abstract page and references) for contributed talks and 4 pages (excluding abstract page and references) for flash talks.  

When writing your contribution, in addition to the scientific quality and relevance of the subject matter,  it is advisable also to check the quality of formatting, language and style (i.e.  incoherent use of unit of measure; different conventions used in the same paper such as abbreviations “3 s”, “3 sec”, “3 seconds” and position: “3C”, “3 C”; poorly organized tables; etc.)

When your contribution is ready for submission, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Connect to JINST and register or login (if needed);

  2. in the “Submit” section of the page select the link “submit a proceedings contribution” (see attached screenshot 1).

  3. select the AI4EIC2023 conference from the list (see attached screenshot 2);

  4. follow the step-by-step procedure for submission, referring to the instructions available on the “For Authors” help page.


Kindly make sure you submit your AI4EIC2023 contribution by March 22, 2024.

For any further information and assistance, do not hesitate to contact me and the JINST Editorial Office.

Yours sincerely,

Cristiano Fanelli

AI4EIC2023 Proceedings Editor   


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