Jan 9 – 13, 2024
US/Central timezone


The meeting will take place at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) facility (directions), building 402 (see Argonne Campus Map). The plenary sessions will take place in the Main Auditorium, E1133, and parallel sessions in the rooms E1100, E1200, Lower Gallery, E0100, B5100 and A5000. Exact parallel session locations will be marked directly on the meeting agenda


This facility contains a broad range of spaces with modern audiovisual technology including an auditorium (capable of hosting over 300 attendees), open spaces appropriate for receptions and networking sessions, as well as smaller classrooms and conference rooms that can be used for break out sessions and hands-on activities.

All of the rooms are wheelchair accessible and we will be prepared to accommodate participants with dietary restrictions and disabilities. The APS is within walking distance from the Argonne Guest House. However, parking is available near the main entrance of the building.